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15th National Games Organizing Committee Meeting Held in Guangzhou: Key Details and Expectations for Hosting Successful Games

In April in Yangcheng, spring is warm and flowers are blooming. On April 11, the founding meeting of the Organizing Committee of the 15th Sports Games of the People’s Republic of China was held in Guangzhou. At the meeting, Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration and party secretary, and Zhou Ji, deputy director in charge of daily work of the Central Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, spoke respectively and put forward work requirements. Wang Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Governor, Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Ho Iat Seng, Chief Executive of the Macau Special Administrative Region, respectively reported on the preparation work of the three places. Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, read out the list of organizing committee members. Gao Zhidan, Wang Weizhong, Li Jiachao and He Yicheng jointly unveiled the organizing committee of the 15th National Games.

Gao Zhidan said that the 15th National Games will be the first time that the National Games will be held in Hong Kong and Macao. This is not only a major event for sports, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, but also a major event for the country. It is important for the three places to jointly host the 15th National Games. of contemporary value and practical significance. We must keep in mind the “greatest of the country”, conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions and instructions on sports work and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao work, complete the preparatory tasks with a high sense of political responsibility and historical mission, and firmly support the “two establishments” with practical actions , Resolutely achieve “two safeguards”. We must resolutely implement the requirements for hosting the games and strive to hold the 15th National Games to a high level, with characteristics and style. It is necessary to cherish the precious opportunity of jointly hosting the conference, further deepen regional cooperation through preparations to form a joint effort to jointly manage the work, strengthen overall planning, proactive docking, mutual understanding and support, and effectively transform our country’s institutional advantages of concentrating efforts on major events into the efficiency of hosting the competition, to The Party Central Committee and the people of the country handed in a satisfactory answer.

Gao Zhidan emphasized the need to enhance awareness of the rule of law. The preparations for the 15th National Games must strictly follow the “one country, two systems” policy, strictly abide by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and the basic principles and policy requirements of the central government on Hong Kong and Macao work. Formulate policies and measures within the framework of the Basic Law to ensure that they are well-founded in law, have due procedures, and have consistent rights and responsibilities. It is necessary to strengthen communication and liaison. A liaison mechanism must be established between the organizing committee and the relevant national ministries and commissions, between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, between the various competition areas in Guangdong, between the departments and offices of the organizing committee, and between the organizing committee and the competition committee, with regular communication and consultation and timely reporting. work progress, and effectively form a work force. Be problem-oriented. The organizing committee should pay close attention to the difficulties and blockages that restrict the preparation work, formulate a list of issues, and put forward opinions and suggestions. To create a good atmosphere. The preparation work will be organically integrated with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the development of the Greater Bay Area, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the construction of a new development pattern, so as to guide more people to pay attention to the construction of the Bay Area, care about sports, and support the preparations for the 15th National Games , to create a healthy and upward atmosphere of public opinion.

Zhou Ji said that this is the first time that Hong Kong and Macau have participated in hosting the National Games, and it is also the first time that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a whole has hosted the highest-level, largest-scale and most influential comprehensive sports games in the country, which fully reflects the spirit of President Xi Jinping. The Secretary-General and the Central Committee attach great importance to the development of sports and the construction of a sports power, and their cordial care for the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions. Zhou Ji put forward four expectations for this National Games: he hopes that this National Games will become a new benchmark for the development of sports in Hong Kong and Macao; he hopes that this National Games will become a new engine to promote the economic development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; This National Games will become a new opportunity for Hong Kong and Macao to integrate into the overall development of the country; we hope that this National Games will become a grand event of youth and friendship.

Wang Weizhong said that the 15th National Games is the first National Games held after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The country has entrusted Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to host such a grand event of great historical significance, which fully reflects the commitment of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. Our trust and trust. Guangdong attaches great importance to this and has joined hands with Hong Kong and Macao to carry out various preparatory work with high standards, high quality and high efficiency, and has achieved phased results. The establishment of the Organizing Committee of the 15th National Games marks that the preparations have entered a new stage. Next, Guangdong will conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. Under the overall guidance of the State Sports General Administration and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Guangdong will adhere to the concept of “green, shared, open and clean” and implement the concept of “simple, safe and exciting”. ” requirements for hosting the competition, deepen communication and coordination with Hong Kong and Macao, do a good job in competition-centered organizational work, pay close attention to venue maintenance and renovation and information construction, carefully plan the opening and closing ceremonies, strengthen news publicity and market development, and do a solid job in comprehensive To ensure service, we will ensure the organization and preparation of the Guangdong participating teams, and strive to create a wonderful sports meeting that highlights the advantages of the system, showcases the characteristics of the Bay Area, and embodies the Lingnan style.

Li Jiachao said that next year’s 15th National Games will be co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao for the first time, which is of great significance. The Hong Kong SAR government will go all out to cooperate with the requirements of the State Sports General Administration and maintain close contact with the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Macao SAR Government to jointly organize Good luck. Li Jiachao introduced that in May last year, the Hong Kong SAR government established the Hong Kong Competition Area Preparatory Committee, with the Chief Executive as the sponsor, the Chief Secretary for Administration as the chairman, and the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism as the secretary-general. It will provide high-level supervision and guidance for Hong Kong to host the ten-year competition. Preparations for the Fifth National Games. In October last year, the Hong Kong SAR government established the Hong Kong Competition Area Coordination Office, which is responsible for coordinating and executing various preparations for the Hong Kong Competition Area and liaising with relevant agencies and departments. Li Ka-chao said that the Hong Kong SAR government will implement the principles of hosting games and make full use of existing venues and the soon-to-be-completed Kai Tak Sports Park to host games. Among them, the triathlon will be held in Victoria Harbor and the Central Waterfront, Hong Kong’s landmarks, to showcase the beauty and characteristics of Hong Kong to the country.

Ho Iat-cheng said that Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will jointly host the 15th National Games in 2025, which is the first sports cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao under the framework of “one country, two systems”. The Macau SAR government attaches great importance to various preparatory work and strictly abides by the “simple, safe and exciting” competition requirements, and will never let down the central government’s trust in Macau. The competition events hosted by Macao are very popular among residents, and Macao also has the conditions and experience to host competitions. The Macau Division Organizing Committee has been established in 2022 and is carrying out preparatory work for various software and hardware facilities, competitions, receptions, publicity and transportation. It will make full use of existing venue facilities and carry out optimization and equipment updating in an orderly manner. . Ho Iat Seng mentioned that Macau plans to hold 2 to 3 test matches this year in order to prepare for the National Games in the best condition. At the same time, the SAR government is extensively mobilizing forces from all walks of life, motivating residents to actively participate in volunteer services, and work together to prepare for the National Games to fully demonstrate Macao’s diverse and inclusive urban vitality.

Li Junjie, deputy director of the National Immigration Administration, leaders of Guangdong Province Chen Jianwen, Wang Xi and Liu Guozhou, Guangzhou Mayor Sun Zhiyang, and Shenzhen Mayor Qin Weizhong attended the meeting.

2024-04-12 00:37:13
#founding #meeting #Organizing #Committee #15th #National #Games #Peoples #Republic #China #held #Guangzhou #Guangdong #Hong #Kong #Macao #jointly #hosted #created #model #hosting #National #Games #Guangdong #Provincial #Peoples #Government #Portal #Guangdong #Provincial #Peoples #Government

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