Two teenagers wait under a tree during a thunderstorm. Then lightning strikes. A 15-year-old dies.
A teenager died after being struck by lightning. (Symbolic image)
Photo: Bernd März/dpa
von Sarah Albrecht
3 hours ago
A 15-year-old was fatally injured by a lightning strike in Welzheim (Rems-Murr district) in Baden-Württemberg. He and another young person were standing under a tree on a hill during a thunderstorm on Wednesday evening, police announced on Thursday. Then lightning struck. The second young person was seriously injured. Rescue workers took him to hospital.
Lightning often strikes trees or towers
Basically, being outside during a thunderstorm is life-threatening. However, lightning tends to strike high, isolated points in the terrain – including power poles, towers or individual trees. It therefore makes sense to stay away from such tall objects. The German Weather Service (DWD) also advises not to stay near bodies of water or metal fences during a thunderstorm.
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