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15-year-old ‘Cyber ​​Apostle’ beatified in Assisi

Carlo Acutis was just 15 years old when he died of leukemia. Now, 14 years after his death, the deeply religious boy has been beatified. This makes him the first Millennial to be beatified and also the youngest to be beatified in over a century.

Acutis owes his nickname ‘the Cyber ​​Apostle’ to his activities on the Internet. He built websites on which he proclaimed his faith and where people could find information about the Church, miracles, and about Mary, the mother of Jesus. In his hometown of Milan, he also volunteered to help lonely elderly and poor children and attended mass every day.

Grave opened

Acutis died of leukemia in 2006 and was buried in Assisi at his own request after his body was embalmed. Soon after his death, Acutis became a role model for Catholic youngsters, partly because Pope Francis repeatedly referred to him as an example in his speeches.

The tomb of Acutis was opened in the run-up to the beatification. Many believers came to the Basilica of St. Francis to pray by the body.

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