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15 thousand recently fired workers protest in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires. The words cruelty, perversion and cynicism were repeated by dozens of those dismissed, many of whom tried to enter different State agencies and others who found out today about their dismissal; Until tonight, there were more than 15 thousand people laid off, announced as an “advance” by the government, while President Javier Milei maintained that he will leave between 50 to 70 thousand state workers without a job.

Retirees who will be paid their minimum pensions in installments set up a tent next to Congress and warned that they will not leave until they are heard.

The Association of State Workers (Ate) led mobilization in 16 points, including the Ministry of Human Capital and the Ministry of Labor. They called a strike for Friday and its leadership blamed the government for the repression that was felt with the presence of the Federal Police, the Gendarmerie and the Prefecture.

We from the state managed to enter most of the ministries and organizations, and occupy our jobs. But it has to be clear that nothing ends today, everything begins today because the government is definitely going after the 70,000 employees and is trying to make the State disappear as we conceived it up to this moment,” said the general secretary of the Ate, Rodolfo Aguiar, who participated in joining the Ministry of Labor,

He maintained that “the level of aggression we are suffering is enormous. The attack on our basic rights as workers is unprecedented. Faced with this, we have to deepen our fighting plan. That is why we have called a plenary session of delegates from across the country with the intention of defining a new measure of general force before the end of this week.”

Since December we have had eight thousand layoffs,” denounced the general secretary of the Metallurgical Workers’ Union, Abel Furlán. “Since the campaign, Javier Milei never mentioned what he was going to do with the industry and with the workers; we are very concerned, there is an intention states (…) This model seeks to sow terror on workers so that they end up naturalizing a crisis situation: it is a model written in the legal offices of the main companies,” Furlán added.

For his part, Milei attacked state workers from his account on pure and simple. If you don’t like it, complain to democracy.”

Added to this is “a tsunami of increases that disorganizes everything” as was the front page headline of Página/12 on April 1, while the large private official media outlets silence and misinform, but have had to acknowledge, albeit tepidly, the tragedy that the country is experiencing.

Every day of Holy Week the government fired workers as a response to the leadership of the Catholic Church, whose bishops condemned the layoffs and their consequences for thousands of families, which will increase poverty and hunger every day.

The twelve announced a national strike for this Thursday, while the leaders of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) met to define the date of a general strike. There are more than one hundred thousand construction workers laid off due to the suspension of public works, aimed at improving the lives of the population, and more than 200 thousand new layoffs are expected in this area.

Another very serious issue is the inability and irresponsibility of the government in the face of the dengue epidemic that maintains long lines in front of public hospitals, which can no longer admit more patients and officially there are about 200 deaths, although it is known that there are more and 180 thousand affected people.

In this capital there are no repellents, nothing, to face this situation, and it is another urgent demand from the population, without any response from the government.

A worrying visit

The head of the US Southern Command, Laura Richardson, who arrived yesterday to deepen the “firm and deep-rooted ties between the armed forces of both countries,” and for “collaborative security efforts.” This she said is to benefit both and to the hemisphere “in a lasting and positive way.” But his central objective is to put pressure on China, which has very important agreements with this country. He will also travel to see its bases in the south.

#thousand #fired #workers #protest #Buenos #Aires
– 2024-04-04 23:56:20

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