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15 Terms in the tradition of the British royal family


Each royal family has its own traditions. One of them United Kingdom known for its series of interesting and unique traditions.

These traditions have a number of terms that are not widely known to the general public. Usually, the traditions of the British royal family relating to weddings, coronations and even the funeral processions of Queen Elizabeth II also have special rituals.

Launched from the dictionary page on Wednesday (9/21/2022), here is a series of terms and traditions from the British royal family.

Terms and traditions in the British royal family

1. Lying in the state

Lying in the state or lying in the state is a tradition of the British royal family. At the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, lying in the state tradition will be held at the Palace of Westminster. The coffin will then be placed in a place that will make it easier for the audience to pay their final farewell.

2. Procession

Then there is parade which means procession. Cortege is a procession or ceremonial.

3. Catafalque

Catafalque is a small stage where the coffins of members of the British royal family are placed. Thereafter, Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin will be placed in Catafalque while in the British parliament building, Westminster Hall.

4. Coronation

Another tradition of the British royal family is the coronation or coronation. Well, in this tradition, the coronation ceremony of a king is usually performed.

Charles automatically became king upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, although the coronation had not yet been performed.

5. The royal banner

The royal banner means the flag bearing the coat of arms of the King of England. Only a king can use the flag.

There are two versions of the flag, one used in Scotland and the other widely used elsewhere. This Scottish version contains the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II.

6. Queen consort

Queen consort or empress is a title that is carried by Camilla because her husband, Charles, became king and succeeded Queen Elizabeth II.

7. The queen reigns

In contrast to the queen consort, the reigning queen refers to a queen who rules in her own right, an obvious example being Queen Elizabeth II. The reigning queen is often referred to as the reigning queen.

8. Consort

In the context United Kingdom, the term Consort means to refer to the spouse of a reigning king. Usually, those who bear the title of Consort do not have the power to rule, so they are not called queens or kings.

9. Commonwealth

Commonwealth or Commonwealth means a political association of over 50 countries, most of which are former British colonies.

10. Balmoral Castle

Balmoral Castle or Balmoral Castle is located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and is one of the residences of the British royal family.

Balmoral Castle is where Queen Elizabeth II died.

11. Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is a palace or residence of the British royal family located in London.

Buckingham Palace serves as the royal family’s main administrative building, where many ceremonies take place, such as meetings with foreign dignitaries or the prime minister.

12. Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a large church located right next to the Palace of Westminster in London. This church is a historic place in English history, in fact every coronation ceremony was held there by William I in 1066.

13. Wellington Arch

Wellington Arch was originally built as the entrance to Buckingham Palace. Subsequently, the Arch of Wellington became a symbol of the Duke of Wellington’s victory over Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo.

14. Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is the residence of the British royal family located in Berkshire, England. This place is considered to be the largest castle in the world used as a residence for members of the royal family.

15. Chapel of San Giorgio

St. George Chapel is one of the historic buildings within the Windsor Castle complex. It was used as the final resting place of several British monarchs, including Queen Elizabeth II’s father, George IV.

The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will be buried with her late husband, Philip, in the Memorial Chapel of King George VI located in the section of the Chapel of Saint. George.

Well, this is a number of terms and traditions that happen in the family United Kingdom. Hopefully the above discussion will add insights, yes!

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