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15 Super Foods for People Aged 40-60 to Prevent High Blood Pressure/Stroke/Cancer/Brain Degeneration

What foods should people aged 40, 50 and over 60 eat to maintain their health and prevent “silent killers”? As we get older, do we need to eat more nuts? Some nutritionists remind people of different ages or genders that their bodies go through different changes and need different nutrients. She recommends 15 super foods that are suitable for people of three main age groups to prevent common problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, and depression.

What diseases are people over 40 to 60 prone to? What should you eat to be healthy?

Are you old and prone to illness? According to extensive foreign media reports, the nutritionist Dr. Federica Amati recommended 15 “superfoods” on the British program “This Morning” to deal with changes in the body and prevent “silent killers” such as pressure- high blood pressure, heart disease and depression teach people of different ages how to maintain health starting with diet.

【Same show】Hypertension “Silent Killer”. 5 most common symptoms

Why is high blood pressure a “silent killer”?

If hypertension is not properly treated or poorly controlled, it can cause complications, including heart failure, coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, etc. Therefore, poorly controlled hypertension is a silent killer. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent or delay complications.

Should people aged 40 to 60 eat less red meat? Want to eat more nuts?

What should you pay attention to in your daily diet? Many people are also careful about counting food calories. foods. Many times, it takes the joy out of eating every day.

In addition, she said research data from hundreds of thousands of people around the world have found that among the health risk factors associated with diet, the most relevant are not eating too much red meat or saturated fat, but eating too little whole grains, beans, nuts, etc. Seeds and fruits. She reminded that people should pay more attention to the nutrients they need in their diet and which foods need to be added, rather than just focusing on what they should not eat.

15 Super Foods You Must Eat Between 40 and 60 Years of Age to Prevent High Blood Pressure/Stroke/Cancer/Brain Degeneration

Dr. Amati recommends 15 “super foods” suitable for people aged 40 to 60 and older to increase their physical fitness and prevent various diseases:

15 essential super foods

  1. green leafy vegetables
  2. Beet
  3. black beans
  4. eggplant
  5. blackberries
  6. blue carpet
  7. broccoli
  8. Cauliflower
  9. oats
  10. Extra virgin olive oil
  11. avocado
  12. whole grain
  13. kefir
  14. a nut
  15. salted fish

Different foods are required at different age stages 40/50/60.

In addition, Dr. Amati also reminded us that as we age, the physiological functions of our body change at different stages of our lives, that we need different foods to maintain health. At what age and for whom are the above 15 superfoods most suitable?

What foods are suitable for different age groups? ⬇⬇⬇

People aged 40 to 60 and over are recommended to eat more of the following foods:

After 40 years of age

  • Women: Women eat nutrients due to childbirth, they are very tired after giving birth, and have to face menopause. Eat more green leafy vegetables, which provide a lot of micronutrients, which make the body feel better, and helps intestinal health.
  • Men: At this age, you need to take care of heart disease problems, especially men who are at higher risk.

After 50 years of age

  • Women: After menopause and entering menopause, a diet of colorful vegetables, such as eating more blackberries, blueberries and other colorful berries, can help relieve menopause symptoms.
  • Men: To maintain heart health and lower cholesterol, eat more cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, and pressed oats. It is also recommended to use extra virgin olive oil instead of butter and shortening when cooking.

After 60 years of age

  • Starting at this age, the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke increases. In addition, as hunger sensitivity decreases, you should pay more attention to your diet to ensure that you get enough nutrients in three meals a day.
  • Improve high blood pressure: Eat foods rich in potassium, such as avocados, fruits, whole grains and legumes.
  • Promotes gut health: Kefir, a fermented milk drink, is also high in protein and other essential nutrients.
  • Maintain brain health: Nuts high in Omega-3 and fatty fish.

source:《Express》Hong Kong Department of Health

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2024-04-29 11:42:47

#eat #nuts #years #Nutritionists #recommend #super #foods #prevent #high #blood #pressure #stroke #cancer #brain #degeneration

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