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There are 15 quotes about in the blood.
My childhood, it’s a poison that I have in the blood and it’s only when I’m dead that I’ll suffer more.
Anna Gavalda — Billie
Our vaunted civilization was born in the bloodis soaked in blood.
Jack London — The Iron Heel, 1908
The man is so made that he can’t help kicking an approaching ball. It is in the blood. And when a ball goes away, it starts chasing after it.
Arto Paasilinna — Surveyor’s Cavale
Two prostrations and that is enough, in the prayer of desire; but the ablution that validates them must have been done in the blood.
I have dirty hands. Up to the elbows. I put them in the shit and in the blood. And then after ? Do you imagine that we can govern innocently?
Jean paul Sartre – Dirty hands
History has always been written in the blood men and women ready to pay it.
Yvette Naubert — The Stonefendres
The secret of my vitality? I do not have in the blood only red blood cells: alcohol has long since killed all my white blood cells…
Winston Churchill
Who bathes his hands in the blood wash them away in tears.
German proverb
We do what we can with the alcohol we have in the blood.
Jerome Pierson
A friendship to be well tempered must be in the blood others.
Michel Audiard The three Musketeers
To make matters worse, when he presented himself to the gendarmerie brigade where he was summoned on the morning of March 14, to be heard under police custody, he again presented himself with an alcohol content: 0.80 grams in the blood . “We know that you suffer from a serious addiction. We do not accuse you of being an alcoholic, but of endangering society when you drive in this state, ”says the deputy prosecutor.
ladepeche.fr — Tarbes: injured with 2.6 grams of alcohol in his blood, he is sentenced to one year in prison – ladepeche.fr
The glycemic index (GI) was designed for people with diabetes to help them control their blood sugar. Indeed, whether you have diabetes or not, it is a useful tool when planning healthy meals or aiming for weight loss. How the sugar level in the blood high makes you fat and what foods to put on your plate to curb this effect, find in the text below!
Interior, garden, furnishing and decoration ideas. — Low blood sugar to lose weight. Low glycemic index foods to put on the plate
Platelets are small cells without a nucleus that circulate in the blood with red blood cells and white blood cells. They have a major role in blood clotting. Norms, low, high… Causes and advice to fully understand the results of your blood test.
Blood platelets: role, norms, high, low, causes
A Dutch team has just detected microplastic particles in the blood of 17 individuals. This is the first time that such pollution of the human body has been proven. The health risks are unknown.
Science and Future — Microplastics found in human blood – Sciences et Avenir
The crew of the road safety brigade quickly understood the difficulty. This 35-year-old man showed all the signs of drunkenness. Checks showed he had 2.7g of alcohol in the blood. After a night of sobering up and his hearing, this driver already caught, and convicted because drunk driving, was presented to the prosecution on Tuesday.
ladepeche.fr — Toulouse: the driver causes an accident, he was driving with 2.7 g of alcohol in his blood
2023-04-27 00:53:57
#Blood #Quotes