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15 October 2021: last Alitalia flight. But the company continues to sell tickets

The August 15, day from which Ita , the new public company (controlled by the Ministry of Economy) which will take the place of Alitalia in the flight business, it will start selling tickets. The first take-off is scheduled for October 15. From that date Alitalia will cease its activity. A passage that is viewed with interest and apprehension by consumers-travelers for two aspects: what will happen to tickets purchased but not used before that date? What is the fate of the program Millemiglia and the accumulated points? Meanwhile, Alitalia continues to sell tickets for dates after its scheduled deadline.

A 100 million repayment fund

In the agreement reached with the European Commission after a long negotiation, it is expected that Ita will be able to acquire the assets of the flight sector (“Aviation”) through direct negotiation with Alitalia, while the Alitalia brand will be sold through a public tender, launched and managed by Alitalia. , in which Ita will participate “as it considers the brand an essential element”. The same goes for “ground handling” and “maintenance” activities.


To give protection to travelers, the government has set up a fund from 100 million which will serve to indemnify holders of travel tickets but also of vouchers issued by Alitalia “as a result of the containment measures envisaged for the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19” and not used by October 15, the date of passage from Alitalia to Ita. There are two possibilities. The first is “rerouting” to another company: the passenger will be entitled to a voucher to be used for a flight on the same route operated by a different company. At no additional cost: any price difference would be bridged with resources from the government fund. If this is not possible – because, for example, there are no carriers covering the same route – you will be entitled to a refund of the ticket.

Tickets on sale even after October 15th

On its website, Alitalia continues to sell tickets for various destinations after October 15. For example, it is still possible to buy a flight Rome-Palermo with departure on October 18th and return the following week. Cost: 91.81 euros.

Sources close to Alitalia have specified that the closure to sales of flights departing after October 15 is subject to the effective marketing of the tickets by Ita. So from the August 15. The same sources have leaked the concern of Alitalia’s extraordinary commissioners for the delay in the execution of the activities expected by Ita and have made it known that they are urgently waiting for these aspects to be defined in accordance with the reference regulatory framework, guaranteeing full protection. of passengers in the forms provided for by law and community regulation.

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