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15 Minutes a Day: Walking on a Treadmill for Improved Circulation and Leg Pain Relief

15 minutes a day is enough

Every twenty Russian over 50 years old gets leg pain. With age and worsening of various diseases, blood vessels suffer. Ultimately, this leads to damage to the peripheral arteries of the extremities and disruption of blood circulation – ischemia.

“Peripheral arterial disease is a chronic condition that often progresses without treatment,” he warns. Dr. Elena Paretskaya.

The most common symptoms of the disease: spasms, muscle pain, rapid fatigue when walking, bending, pain even in the legs even at rest.

One of the most effective exercises for the prevention and treatment of this disease is walking on a treadmill. To start, 15 minutes a day is enough.

According to Dr. Paretskaya, in the early stages, properly selected physical exercises, as well as medications aimed at thinning the blood and preventing the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, can help by dealing with the disease.

“Because people are taught that pain is dangerous, they avoid it at all costs and simply refuse to walk. This is a vicious circle: the less the patient moves, the stronger the pain becomes,” the doctor warned.

We would like to remind you that this article is for information purposes and you should consult an expert.

Before that we is recommended Include in the diet a product that both feeds and treats diseases of the cardiovascular system.

2024-04-27 06:02:02

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