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15 countries led by the ruling family in Great Britain .. Get to know them

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Thus, he will be the new king Charles IIIleader of 15 countries of the group Commonwealthand to a lesser extent than his deceased mother.

According to the newspaper "The independent" In Britain, the late queen was once the recognized head of state throughout the Commonwealth of Nations, ruling it in the same way as the United Kingdom.

I have always confirmed Queen Elizabeth II It will support any decisions made by countries to convert to a republic and renounce the monarchy, while Australia is witnessing several debates on the issue.

The last time the country held a referendum to remove the queen from the post of head of state was in 1999, but 54.9% voted in favor of her stay.

In which countries did Queen Elizabeth II rule?

• United Kingdom.
• Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Antigua and Barbuda.
• Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica and Papua New Guinea.
• Saint Lucia, the Solomon Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Seven decades of stability

Political sociology professor Saeed Sadiq said Elizabeth II contributed to great stability in Britain over the seven decades and was able to mobilize support for the monarchy despite the turmoil and confusion surrounding her family. .

Sadiq added to the site "Sky News Arabia": "Despite the shocks of the 1990s, such as the death of Princess Diana, which seemed to threaten her existence monarchy The queen was able to lead the millennial institution into a new era of popularity".

He stressed that he was able to achieve stability over a period of time social unrest The great and growing discontent with elected leaders has given the British a sense of identity.

The position of the new king

It is not known how the new king will currently act in the Commonwealth of Nations, but earlier this year he stated that these countries are free to renounce the monarchy.

During a speech at the opening of the Commonwealth Leaders Summit in Kigali last June, Charles III voiced "Sorrow for Britain’s colonial past".

The most important countries that have declared their independence

While Barbados The last country to gain independence and replace the queen as president is not the first country to do so, and the last country to take the same step was Mauritius in 1992, and before that it did. Dominica The same in 1978, Trinidad and Tobago in 1976 and Guyana in 1970.

References "The independent" As far as Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness He suggested to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their first visits that his country could be the next to become a republic.

Blaise also indicated that she is considering the same step, and after the Duke and Duchess have left her Cambridge.

This was stated by Henry Charles Usher, Minister for Constitutional and Political Reform of Belize "The process of decolonization surrounds the Caribbean, it may be time for Belize to take the next step towards independence, but it is up to the people of Belize to decide".


Thus, he will be the new king Charles IIIleader of 15 countries of the group Commonwealthand to a lesser extent than his deceased mother.

According to the British newspaper The Independent, the late queen was once the recognized head of state in all countries of the Commonwealth and ruled the same way as the United Kingdom.

I have always confirmed Queen Elizabeth II It will support any decisions made by countries to convert to a republic and renounce the monarchy, while Australia is witnessing several debates on the issue.

The last time the country held a referendum to remove the queen from the post of head of state was in 1999, but 54.9% voted in favor of her stay.

In which countries did Queen Elizabeth II rule?

• United Kingdom.
• Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Antigua and Barbuda.
• Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica and Papua New Guinea.
• Saint Lucia, the Solomon Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Seven decades of stability

Political sociology professor Saeed Sadiq said Elizabeth II contributed to great stability in Britain over the seven decades and was able to mobilize support for the monarchy despite the turmoil and confusion surrounding her family. .

Sadiq added to “Sky News Arabia”: “Despite the shocks of the 1990s, such as the death of Princess Diana, it seemed to threaten the existence of monarchy The queen was able to lead the millennial institution into a new era of popularity.

He stressed that he was able to achieve stability over a period of time social unrest The great and growing discontent with elected leaders has given the British a sense of identity.

The position of the new king

It is not known how the new king will currently act in the Commonwealth of Nations, but earlier this year he stated that these countries are free to renounce the monarchy.

In a speech at the opening of the Commonwealth Leaders’ Summit in Kigali last June, Charles III expressed his “sadness over Britain’s colonial past”.

The most important countries that have declared their independence

While Barbados The last country to gain independence and replace the queen as president is not the first country to do so, and the last country to take the same step was Mauritius in 1992, and before that it did. Dominica The same in 1978, Trinidad and Tobago in 1976 and Guyana in 1970.

The Independent indicated it Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness He suggested to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their first visits that his country could be the next to become a republic.

Blaise also indicated that she is considering the same step, and after the Duke and Duchess have left her Cambridge.

Henry Charles Usher, Belize’s minister of constitutional and political reform, told Parliament that “the decolonization process surrounds the Caribbean, it may be time for Belize to take the next step towards independence, but it is up to the people of Belize decide. “

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