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15.30 euros per month per household: ORF fee is fixed by the government

The ORF also gets more opportunities in the digital space, but has to accept a savings package, advertising restrictions and stricter transparency regulations.

“The ORF is becoming more audiovisual, modern, flexible and younger, at the same time the domestic media location is secured with appropriate savings and compensation measures,” Media Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) was quoted as saying in a statement available to APA. Together with the Greens, a package has been created that makes public broadcasting cheaper for people and preserves media diversity in Austria, said Raab. Some of the amendments were sharply criticized by private media houses and associations.

Restriction in the TVthek

According to the law, the ORF may produce both online-only and online-first. Furthermore, in future ORF.at will have 70 percent moving images and 30 percent text, with the number of text contributions per week being limited to 350. That should make the “blue side” more audiovisual. In particular, the Association of Austrian Newspapers (VÖZ) criticized the newspaper similarity of ORF.at. However, the restrictions do not go far enough for the publishers. The Association of Austrian Private Broadcasters (VÖP) advocated a maximum number of audio and video contributions on ORF.at of 300 to 350 contributions per week.

Depending on the content, the current seven-day limit for accessing TVthek will be extended to a longer period. ORF may in future offer an online children’s channel and run ORF Sport + as a digital channel. However, the sports section channel will remain in linear form until 2026. The existence of the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSO) is secured with federal funds until 2026.

Radio and digital advertising restrictions

Stricter advertising restrictions in the radio and digital sectors are less gratifying for the ORF. A transparency report on wages, additional income and in-house and commissioned productions is also planned. Some special allowances will be eliminated, special pensions reduced and severance payments limited.

In addition to the future ORF contribution of EUR 15.30 per month and household, there are also state taxes in some federal states. Previous fee exemptions remain in place, secondary residences are exempt and a staggering for companies comes into effect. A decision by the Constitutional Court stipulates that the ORF funding must be changed by January 1, 2024. The law is to be fixed in Parliament before the summer recess.


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