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14th Xinhuanet Education Forum in Beijing: Insights on Building an Educational Power

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 25th. On the 21st, the 14th Xinhuanet Education Forum was held in Beijing. The theme of this forum is “Gathering Strong Momentum to Build an Educational Power”. The first roundtable dialogue session of the basic education sub-forum was hosted by Shang Liang, content director of the Education Center of Xinhuanet. The dialogue included Li Xun, former first-level inspector of the Education Working Committee of the Fujian Provincial Committee and the Provincial Department of Education, Yang Xiaohui, director of the Education Committee of Fengtai District, Beijing, and Tianjin Municipal Government. The four guests, Ming Jianping, Director of Education of Heping District, and Xiong Yongchang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of Beijing No. 101 Middle School, discussed topics such as talent cultivation, teacher training, and cultivating the scientific spirit, and shared their respective views.

Regarding the issue of exploring the establishment of an integrated training path for small, medium and large schools, Ming Jianping said that the “Qian Xuesen Question” asks not only higher education, but also the entire Chinese education. He said that first, innovative thinking is a habit. Children have been developing innovative thinking as they grow from childhood to adulthood. Many thinking habits are developed in primary and secondary schools; if children do not dare to question or challenge since they were young, , dare not find new ways, dare not break through the standard answers. Once such thinking habits are developed, children’s curiosity will be gone, and the buds of innovation will be extinguished. The second is to solve the “Qian Xuesen question”. It is not only to cultivate children’s rational thinking. Courses in literature, history, philosophy, and art are extremely important for cultivating innovative abilities. The cultivation of children in primary and secondary schools should be the integration of rational thinking and perceptual thinking, and If these things are not cultivated from an early age, it will be extremely difficult to cultivate top innovative talents.

Teachers are the foundation and source of teaching, and they are also an important basic resource for the long-term development of local governments and schools. Regarding the topic of “how to better cultivate a team of high-quality professional teachers”, Ming Jianping said that the current difference between normal colleges and comprehensive universities is getting smaller and smaller, and the proportion of students in normal colleges taking postgraduate entrance examinations is extremely high, so it should It has attracted attention; the entry threshold for teachers is too low, there is a lack of real-life training before employment, and they panic when they stand on the podium, and they need to make up lessons after employment. Ming Jianping suggested that among outstanding primary and secondary school teachers and outstanding teaching researchers, a group of outstanding educational practitioners should be selected, they should be theoretically improved, help them sort out teaching methods, and then let them take on the teaching of curriculum theory in normal colleges. , pre-vocational education can take a big step forward. For the training of in-service teachers, the content and methods should be reformed, subject boundaries should be broken, be more open, look to society, pay attention to technological development, and not let school walls block teachers’ vision.

The basic education stage is the decisive stage for “incubating” students’ scientific spirit and innovative qualities. The quality of science education in primary and secondary schools is crucial to cultivating students’ scientific qualities. Ming Jianping said that many courses and activities are only carriers of scientific education. Scientific education should essentially cultivate students’ questioning spirit and rational thinking. It should be such a thinking habit to talk about logic, evidence and data in everything. . Ming Jianping believes that science education does not necessarily require high-end equipment or a lot of financial resources. As long as students’ scientific literacy is cultivated, it is science education in a broad sense. In addition, Ming Jianping believes that science education in particular requires open schooling and the use of social resources according to local conditions. Urban-rural and regional differences are very large. Diversified carriers must be used to solve the problems encountered by primary and secondary schools in the process of implementing science education. question.

Faced with the question of the times, “What is the role of basic education in building a powerful country in education?”, Ming Jianping said that we respect every child, one characteristic in his life, and one person in the world.

2023-12-25 04:09:58
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