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14th National Winter Games Closing Ceremony Highlights Revealed: A New Starting Point for Winter Sports

2024/02/27 15:53 ​​Guangming.com

With the conclusion of various events, the 14th National Winter Games (hereinafter referred to as the “14th Winter”) will come to a close on the evening of the 27th. On the 26th, the chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of “Fourteenth Winter” Yang Rong and producer Wu Min revealed the highlights of the closing ceremony to media reporters in advance.

The picture shows Yang Rong, chief director of the “14th Winter” opening and closing ceremony, and producer Wu Min introducing the highlights of the closing ceremony to reporters (photo by Guangming.com reporter Liu Xiyao)

“The closing ceremony is divided into two parts: ceremony and cultural and sports performance. It still adheres to the concepts of simplicity, safety and excitement.” Yang Rong introduced that the cultural and sports performance consists of four parts and strives to be exquisite. The first part is “Forest Eagle”, which uses songs and dances to show the local cultural attributes of Inner Mongolia and express the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the beautiful scenery of northern Xinjiang; the second part is themed “With Your Company” , mainly praising the volunteers and event service support personnel who played a vital role in the success of the conference; the third link invited local singer Ergun Band to sing the “Fourteenth Winter” theme song “New Starting Point”. Yang Rong said that although the closing ceremony is the end of the “Fourteenth Winter”, it also means a new starting point for the future; in the end, all the staff will sing “I Have a Promise with the Grassland” to express harvest and gratitude. We sincerely invite guests from all over the world to come to Inner Mongolia and gather in Hulunbuir Prairie.

In addition, the ceremony also includes a presentation of the venue for the next Winter Games. Wu Min revealed that the “Fifteenth Winter” city display program “Winter Rhythm Between Mountains and Seas” stars 45 actors and lasts about 6 minutes and 40 seconds. It integrates the local characteristics of Liaoning and is very worth looking forward to.

“A total of 266 actors participated in the entire closing ceremony, and 506 people performed on stage. Like the opening ceremony, many students and children participated in the closing ceremony.” Yang Rong said that they showed the characteristics of northern Xinjiang’s ice and snow through their performance, and also Represents a hope for our future. “Because their rehearsal process is also a process of recognizing and learning about these cultures; when they perform to their heart’s content on the stage, it is a display of China’s excellent traditional culture. I hope that after this experience, they can become Chinese Transmitter of culture.”

As the largest, highest level and far-reaching national comprehensive ice and snow event held in my country after the Beijing Winter Olympics, Yang Rong introduced that the opening and closing ceremony director team has also been involved in the “Fourteen Winters” from the Winter Olympics to today. The core concept of the party is to not only fully demonstrate that ice and snow events drive the vigorous development of the ice and snow industry, but also to spread from competitive sports to national fitness, and ultimately realize the grand dream of a sports power. (Reporter Liu Xiyao)

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2024-02-27 07:53:00
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