Home » today » Entertainment » 14th anniversary of the tragic death of Ewa Sraniczka. She died as a result of a wasp bite

14th anniversary of the tragic death of Ewa Sraniczka. She died as a result of a wasp bite

Ewa S Pałacka was one of the most beautiful and characteristic Polish actresses. The artist died tragically as a result of a wasp bite. Despite the immediate help of a doctor, the actress could not be saved. Yesterday 14 years have passed since her death.

1. 14th anniversary of Ewa S Palace’s death

Ewa Sraniczka was known from popular series such as “Tigrysy Europy” or “First Love”. The actress’s career was interrupted by sudden death. During a holiday vacation on a plot in Arciechów near the Zegrze Reservoir, Sarówka was drinking juice when a wasp bite her in the mouth. Death occurred unexpectedly as a result anaphylactic shock, which is a severe allergic reaction that has severely attacked her body.

Actress allergic to insect venomshe began to choke. Her doctor husband’s immediate reaction did not help. Not even two hours have passed since the insect bite. Sraniczka died in an ambulance to a nearby hospital in Wołomin. She was 49 years old.

July 23 was the 14th anniversary of Ewa Sludka’s death.

Ewa S Pałacka died as a result of an anaphylactic shock (Instagram Matyldy Kirsten)

2. The actress orphaned her daughter

In 2006, Sarówka orphaned her 12-year-old daughter Matylda, who found out about her mother’s death with a delay. On the day of her mother’s death, the girl was in Masuria. After the actress’s death, her upbringing was taken up by her grandmother, Barbara Sarańka, a popular TV director.

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