The situation of the coronavirus in Galicia continues to improve, with a new decrease in infections and active cases, and the week closes with 35.45% fewer new cases diagnosed. The sixth wave is ending little by little and the incidence at 14 days continues to decline, and active cases drop below 30,000 for the first time since December 29.
The hospital situation better than last sunday, although today the numbers are worse than yesterday. Patients on the ward rose from 536 to 543 (+7), and ICU patients fell from 33 to 32 (-1), making the total rise from 569 to 575 (+6). The 575 hospitalized today are 64 less than the 641 last Sunday.
These are the most relevant data today:
- The number of 1,461 new cases drops by 683 compared to last Sunday.
- Active cases down to 28.539a decrease of 2,112 infected.
- The number of hospitalized people rises from 569 to 575, 66 less than a week ago.
- The incidence at 14 days drops 60 points to 1,382 and the incidence at 7 days drops 25 points to 542 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
Today Sunday 683 diagnoses are registered less than the 2,144 last Sunday. Today’s 1,461 new cases include all kinds of evidence.
On the Sergas data website today they say that 1,462 cases have been opened in the last 24 hours, but the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (486,450) and yesterday (484,989) is 1,461 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.
In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 1,461 new cases of SARS-CoV-2, no deaths and 3,573 discharges, which makes cases of coronavirus drop by 2,112 people, from 30.651 from yesterday to 28,539 today.
The total number of hospitalized patients rises from 569 to 575, 6 more than yesterday. Last Sunday there were 641 hospitalized, 66 more than today. The total number of cases of coronavirus recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 486.450.
Evolution of the number of infections and active cases
New confirmed cases in the last 14 days
Infections and active cases by health area
Active cases by health area
- A Coruna: 6,089 (-501)
- Ferrol: 1,544 (-65)
- Lugo: 3,210 (-213)
- Ourense: 3,321 (-178)
- Pontevedra: 3,152 (-240)
- Santiago: 5.052 (-312)
- Vigo: 5.855 (-577)
- Total: 28.539 (-2.112)
New infections by health area
- A Coruna: 280 (-114)
- Ferrol: 101 (-25)
- Lugo: 174 (-52)
- Ourense: 178 (-69)
- Pontevedra: 155 (-68)
- Santiago: 254 (-109)
- Vigo: 304 (-67)
Incidence by Galician city
- A Coruna: 1,430
- Ferrol: 1,066
- Lugo: 1,708
- Ourense: 1,833
- Pontevedra: 1,560
- Santiago: 1.610
- Vigo: 1.555
Municipalities with the most infections in the last 7 days
- Vigo 1 714
- A Coruna 1 395
- Ourense 816
- Lugo 694
- Santiago de Compostela 651
- Pontevedra 458
- Ferrol 284
- Ames 224
- Potters 222
- Narón 217
- Culleredo 191
- Ribeira 177
- Redondela 163
- Carballo 159
- the 156 road
- Cangas 155
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 151
- Cambre 145
- Arteixo 142
- Marin 130
- Ponteareas 128
- Lalín 118
- Now 112
- Moaña 108
- Fog 104
- O Carballiño 102
Municipalities with the most infections in the last 14 days
- Vigo 4 592
- A Coruna 3 514
- Ourense 1 929
- Lugo 1 679
- Santiago de Compostela 1 566
- Pontevedra 1 295
- Ferrol 704
- Potters 690
- Ames 610
- Culleredo 587
- Ribeira 494
- Narón 470
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 430
- the 408 road
- Arteixo 401
- Oak 400
- Marin 395
- Redondela 379
- Cangas 374
- Ponteareas 352
- Cambre 349
- Moaña 320
- Lalín 297
- Fog 287
- Monforte de Lemos 269
- Teo 265
- O Carballiño 238
- Girl 236
- O Porriño 234
- Now 220
- Vilalba 217
- Bueu 208
- Poio 201
Data by health areas
A Coruna
- Active cases: 6,089 (-501)
- Contagions: 280 (-114)
- Average infections last 3 days: 373 (-72)
- Average infections last 7 days: 420 (-25)
- Hospitalized floor: 128 (+6)
- UCI hospitalizations: 8 (=)
- Active cases: 1,544 (-65)
- Contagions: 101 (-25)
- Average infections last 3 days: 119 (-12)
- Average infections last 7 days: 117 (-5)
- Hospitalized floor: 38 (+3)
- UCI hospitalizations: 1 (=)
- Active cases: 3,210 (-213)
- Contagions: 174 (-52)
- Average infections last 3 days: 247 (-43)
- Average infections last 7 days: 247 (-11)
- Hospitalized floor: 53 (+5)
- UCI hospitalizations: 1 (=)
- Active cases: 3,321 (-178)
- Contagions: 178 (-69)
- Average infections last 3 days: 232 (-47)
- Average infections last 7 days: 256 (-7)
- Hospitalized floor: 75 (-6)
- UCI hospitalizations: 7 (-1)
- Active cases: 3,152 (-240)
- Contagions: 155 (-68)
- Average infections last 3 days: 203 (-33)
- Average infections last 7 days: 227 (-12)
- Hospitalized floor: 80 (-4)
- UCI hospitalizations: 3 (=)
- Active cases: 5,052 (-312)
- Contagions: 254 (-109)
- Average infections last 3 days: 353 (-55)
- Average infections last 7 days: 379 (-17)
- Hospitalized floor: 82 (-1)
- UCI hospitalizations: 7 (+1)
- Active cases: 5,855 (-577)
- Contagions: 304 (-67)
- Average infections last 3 days: 383 (-65)
- Average infections last 7 days: 431 (-23)
- Hospitalized floor: 87 (+4)
- UCI hospitalizations: 5 (-1)
Deaths and weekly evolution
The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 3,074 people, with no new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,455 since the new normality, compared to 619 in the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 575 (+6), divided into 32 (-1) in the ICU and 543 (+7) in hospitalization units. The total number of PCR tests carried out is 3,668,736, of which 4,300 have been carried out in the last 24 hours.
The week ends better than the previous one, with 14,643 infections from Monday to Sunday, a decrease of 35.45% compared to the 22,685 last week. The last weeks are over with 22,685, 33,472, 38.718, 41.279, 51,997, 29,797, 30,751, 14,665, 8,1158, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668 1,138, 1,995, 3,317, 4.157, 5,273, 6,974, 8.414, 9.090, 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,498, 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 infections, respectively.