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14 False Myths About Cats, Did You Know? All pages

KOMPAS.com – As animal pets many people’s favorite, cat has adorable behavior and often makes the owner unable to not spend time together.

However, even though we are cat fans, we may not be aware of some myth confused about cats, which is still believed to this day.

Also read: Have Lots of Cats, Here’s How They Get along

What are the myths? Check out the following reviews quoted from the page Reader’s Digest.

1. Cat is a nocturnal animal

Basically, cats are not nocturnal creatures.

“We think so because we noticed cats walking around us around 3:00 am.”

That was the explanation of Jackson Galaxy, a cat health and behavior expert, who is also the host My Cat from Hell of Animal Planet.

“Cats are actually crepuscular animals, which means they are awake at dusk and dawn.”

“Because in the open, their natural prey is awake at dusk and dawn,” he said.

So, adjust the cat’s sleep schedule to our sleep schedule. Feed them at the same time every day.

2. Cats cannot be trained like dogs

In fact, we can teach these cute furry animals many things.

“Cats can be trained like dogs. Most people don’t train cats because they don’t know how, or they fall into the myth that cats don’t listen or learn.”

So says Russell Hartstein, a certified dog and cat behavior expert and trainer.

“Cats love to train and learn like dogs,” he said.

3. Low cost cats

Cats are not low-cost animals.

“It costs a lot to keep a cat indoors to keep it happy and healthy,” said cat vet Lynn Bahr.

Also read: Choosing a cat food, what to look for?

Cats need attention, quality food a good, and clean litter box.

4. Cats are solitary animals

“When we compare the behavior of cats with dogs, we perceive cats to be aloof, too independent, even devoid of affection,” said Galaxy.

“It’s not fair to judge a cat like that just because he wasn’t programmed to make humans happy as his primary goal.”

“We can see most cats thrive in communities, with humans and other animals.”

“Cats can also show affection, even though it is different from the love a dog gives us,” he said.

5. Cats love milk

The assumption about cats who like milk is not correct. Because, cats tend to be lactose intolerant.

So, we should not give milk to cats.

“All mammals are born with the ability to digest breast milk because their bodies contain the enzyme lactase which breaks down the protein lactose.”

So says Dawn LaFontaine, cat shelter volunteer, and founder of Cat in the Box.

“However, the intestines in kittens stop producing the enzyme lactase.”

Breastfeeding cats can cause stomach aches, vomiting, and diarrhea.

6. Leaving the cat alone is fine

Many people mistake cats for solitary animals and think we can leave them at home alone for a few days.

According to Galaxy, cats can feel anxious about separating from their masters, just like dogs.

Animal it wants attention and family around him even though he doesn’t show it in an obvious way.

7. The cat purrs a sign of happiness

If a cat curls up purring while you scratch its head, it is a sign that it is feeling good.

Also read: Cats Also Dreaming, Do You Know?

However, a purring cat has many meanings.

“Cats purr when scared, threatened, in pain, injured, during childbirth and even when they are dying,” says LaFontaine.

8. Declawing harmless

Declawing or pulling out a cat’s nails from the roots and making them unable to grow back is considered safe.

However, doing so could harm the cat.

“Declawing is a completely unnecessary act. The idea of ​​saving furniture from cat claws by cutting the root of the cat’s nails is unacceptable, “says Galaxy.

Declawing can physically injure the cat and remove important body parts.

9. Cats hate water

Cats are known to dislike bathing, but they do not hate water.

“Cats are less water resistant than dogs, because their fur is oil-free and smooth, so they tend to get cold more easily if they get wet,” says LaFontaine.

“But a lot of cats and kittens like to play in the water on the tap, or dip their paws in the bath.”

10. Cats in the house live longer

“This is if we compare the cats that live indoors with the homeless wild cats,” Bahr said.

“On the other hand, pet cats released into the wild have the same age as cats kept indoors,” he continued.

11. Cats and dogs don’t get along well

Some cats and dogs find it difficult to get along or get along. But not all cats and dogs are like that.

Also read: Understanding Cat Meow Through Application

Cats and dogs can get along very well as long as we help them communicate and coexist.

12. Cats always land on their feet

“Cats always land on their feet thanks to their reflexes, internal balancing system and flexible spine.”

“So that the cat can twist its body right before it falls,” said LaFontaine.

“Cats also have a vestibular apparatus in their inner ear that allows them to change positions.”

However, this system is not easy to implement and if the distance is short, the cat is unable to react.

On the other hand, a cat that can land on its feet is not free from injury.

13. Food dry better

“Canned cat food is better than dry food because it is higher in protein, lower in calories and contains the required moisture,” said Bahr.

14. All cats love catnip

Catnip – or the so-called catmint – is a herbal plant from the family mint. Now, this plant is also used as an herbal tea to aid digestion.

Nah, aI assume all cats love plants catnip. In fact, the fact is that not all cats are happy with the plant.

“Only about 50-75 percent of cats are prone to charms catnip.

“Sensitivity to essential oils catnip which is called nepetalactone is actually innate. “

“And, most cats in Australia are not susceptible to catnip, “kata LaFontaine.

Catnip it can actually make some cats aggressive, “he continued.

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