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13th salary for ASN, TNI-Polri and pensioners, Ministry of Finance: We Try to Liquidate Before Mid-August Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The government has promised salary 13th for the State Civil Apparatus ( ASN), TNI / Polri, and retirees will be given this August.

The Director General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Andin Hadiyanto said that his party was trying to get the 13th salary to be given before mid-August 2020.

“The revision of the government regulation is being finalized by the Kemenpan. Immediately finished and immediately paid for. We will try before mid-August (payment). If it can be faster,” he told Kompas.com, Saturday (1/8/2020).

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The government has also completed the revision of Government Regulation (PP) Number 35 Year 2019 and PP No. 38 of 2019 concerning Giving Salary, Pension, or Thirteen Benefits to Civil Servants, Soldiers of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Members of the Indonesian National Police, State Officials, and Pension or Allowance Recipients.

Now, the revision of the PP is just waiting for the signature of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

This was conveyed by Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (Minister of PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo.

“In my opinion (the revision of the PP) has been completed. Finally in the State Secretariat (State Secretariat) to be signed by the President,” he said.

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Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati stressed, 13th salary disbursement in 2020 only earmarked III officials and below. The policy also applies to the military and police, as well as retirees.

That is, echelon I and II state officials did not receive payment of the 13th salary. The State Treasurer said that he had prepared a salary budget pension 13th with a total of Rp. 28.5 trillion.

“Which consists of ASNs for salaries and benefits attached to salaries for central ASNs is IDR 6.73 trillion. While for the 13th pension, the budget is IDR 7.86 trillion,” said the Minister.

Also read: Not Included in the 13th Salary, How Big is the Performance Allowance for Civil Servants?

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