Home » News » 13th DGAW Science Congress Waste and Resource Management: Advancing Science and Practice in the Concentrated Resource and Recycling Industry

13th DGAW Science Congress Waste and Resource Management: Advancing Science and Practice in the Concentrated Resource and Recycling Industry

The concentrated resource and recycling industry meets to exchange science and practice on February 15th and 16th, 2024 at the 13th DGAW Science Congress Waste and Resource Management at the Vienna University of Technology.Cupola Hall, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 ViennaHost: Prof. Dr. dr hc Helmut Rechberger goal of the congress

The congress sees itself as a platform on which the professional public latest results of university and university-related research in the field of waste and resource management from completed master’s theses and current dissertations that are in an advanced stage or recently completed. The organizer is thus specifically addressing young scientists and asking them to submit corresponding contributions for one lecture or a poster. The congress thus serves the scientific exchange, but also the practitioners who want to get an idea of ​​the state of science and future developments. So will she network building supported and encouraged. At the end of the congress, a jury will award the science prize “Waste and Resource Management” to the best contribution in the lecture and poster categories. Both prizes are associated with monetary amounts. Two awards are also given in each category.

Submission of abstracts: Deadline 09/22/2023

Scope and content: We ask that the abstracts do not exceed one DIN A4 page. The contribution should contain the following sub-items: question, methodology, implementation, results, scientific contribution. The contributions can be submitted and presented in either German or English. The congress language is German (without interpreters). The required submission form can be found here for download.

Please send your abstract using the submission form by September 22, 2023 to: info@dgaw.de, subject “Wissenschaftskongress”.

Evaluation of Submissions

Submitted contributions will be evaluated by members of the Advisory Board. The number of lectures is limited for organizational reasons. Contributions that are not permitted as lectures can be presented as posters. The contributions and posters admitted to the congress will be announced in mid-November 2023. The authors are asked to present them during the event on February 15 and 16, 2024. The detailed program is created by the scientific organization. The accepted contributions for the lectures and for the poster exhibition will be in one proceedings published. The contributions for the conference proceedings (max. four pages) must be submitted by January 10, 2024.

participation fee

A fee of €150 is payable for participation in the congress. This includes catering on both days of the congress, the evening event and the conference proceedings.


The event is supported by various private and municipal companies in the industry.

DownloadsCall for Papers deutschCall for Papers englischsubmission form

2023-07-11 10:48:58
#Science #Congress #www.dgaw.de

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