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138 MPs and 19 senators On the march ask for legal protection for mayors

    , May 2, 2020

Here is the tribune of deputies and senators La République en Marche, entitled “Resumption of school is our requirement, the legal protection of mayors too”: “The confinement that is in place is a remarkable experience for each and every one of us. We all have our personal journeys and have, at the mercy of our adult lives, gone through these last weeks with seriousness and responsibility. Our children, grandchildren also live these moments with their eyes and their innocence. The confinement put in place on Tuesday March 17, 2020 at 12 noon has transformed their education, maintained as best they can thanks to digital tools. Next Monday, May 11, this period particular will come to an end, we will switch to a deconfinement, progressive and methodical, according to the general principles presented by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe during Tuesday’s session in the National Assembly.

Reconciling optimal health security conditions for the resumption of schooling for children and strengthening the legal security of mayors is at the heart of our concerns

Among the many challenges that condition the success of this major public health operation, the reopening of schools in France. Reconciling optimal health security conditions for the resumption of schooling for children, on the one hand, and strengthening the legal security of mayors, essential partners of the State in this exit from confinement, on the other hand, is at the heart of our concerns.

During the numerous exchanges with the mayors of our constituencies, we were able to measure their legitimate apprehensions before the responsibilities which are theirs, in particular at the legal level. Several of them have announced refusing to open schools, others ask to be simply reassured as to their possible implication, in the event of contamination of a child for example.

Because we have too much esteem and consideration for the preferred mandate of the French that many of us have exercised, we wish here to recall the current legal regime of criminal responsibility of mayors, to broaden the field of Reflection on all the people holding a public responsibility or a public service mission for example and finally, to recall how the mayors are not in demand for exoneration of responsibility a priori but simply wanting to know that the power State public is by their side.

Fully up to the skills that are theirs, mayors want to know clearly the scope of their responsibilities

Article 121-3 of the penal code sets out the conditions for the possible assumption of criminal responsibility: having either deliberately violated a particular normative obligation of prudence or security, or committed a gross negligence and exposed others to a risk of particular gravity that the author could not ignore. Specifically with regard to mayors, article L 2123-34 of the general code of local authorities (CGCT) specifies that “the mayor may not be convicted for unintentional acts committed in the exercise of his functions unless he is established that he did not perform the normal due diligence taking into account his skills, power and means at his disposal as well as the difficulties specific to the missions entrusted to him by law. “

A senatorial bill “aiming to improve the legal protection of the mayor within the framework of the state of health emergency” is tabled. The intention is laudable, but this text unfortunately does not provide any additional legal guarantee in law. It also poses the principle of a priori irresponsibility. This does not seem to us desirable, nor indeed desired by the mayors. Fully up to the skills that are theirs, mayors want to know clearly the scope of their responsibilities and have all the tools necessary for their exercise.

As part of the deconfinement and as usual, the mayors are there

In a few days, the national representation will examine the bill extending the state of health emergency. In the full exercise of our prerogatives, we will propose an adaptation of the legislation to effectively protect the mayors criminally but also all the persons depositaries of a mission of public service within the framework of the deconfinement operations and this, for a limited period, and which mainly meets the real expectations of the city councilors of France. These expectations, they correspond to the daily life of mayors in the exercise of their prerogatives, mainly today in school matters.

As part of the deconfinement and as usual, the mayors are there. Deputies and Senators, with the departmental and regional elected representatives, with the State representative in each department, we are by their side. We are united, for French women and men. “

List of signatories

Bruno Questel (MP for Eure), Stanislas Guerini (MP for Paris), Yaël Braun-Pivet (MP for Yvelines, Chair of the Law Commission) François Patriat (President of the LaRem group in the Senate, Senator for the Côte d ‘ Gold) Gilles Le Gendre (president of the LaRem group in the National Assembly) deputy of Paris, François Dumas (president of the commission of National defense, deputy of Gard), Jean-René Cazeneuve (president of the delegation to the territorial collectivities, member for Gers), Guillaume Vuilletet (member for Val d’Oise), François de Rugy (former minister, member for Loire-Atlantique), Stéphane Travers (former minister, member for Manche) Caroline Abadie (member for Isère) , Bérangère Abba (member for Haute-Marne), Damien Adam (member for Seine-Maritime) Patrice Anato (member for Seine-Saint-Denis), Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade (member for French citizens living outside France), Christophe Arend ( deputy of the Mos her), Stéphanie Atger (Member for Essonne), Laëtitia Avia (Member for Paris), Julien Bargeton (Senator for Paris), Sophie Beaudouin-Hubière (Member for Haute-Vienne), Bernard Buis (Senator for Drôme) , Aurore Bergé (member for Yvelines), Hervé Berville (member for Côtes-d’Armor), Christophe Blanchet (member for Calvados), Pascal Bois (member for Oise), Bruno Bonnel (member for Rhône), Julien Borowczyk ( member for Loire), Florent Boudié (member for Gironde), Bertrand Bouyx (member for Calvados), Jean-Jacques Bridey (member for Val-de-Marne), Blandine Brocard (member for Rhône), Danielle Brullebois (member for Jura), Stéphane Buchou (member for Vendée), Anne-Laure Cattelot (member for North), Françoise Cartron (senator for Gironde), Lionel Causse (member for Landes), Danièle Cazarian (member for Rhône), Bernard Cazeau (senator de Dordogne), Anthony Cellier (MP for Gard), Emilie Chalas (MP for Isèr e), Sylvie Charrière (member for Seine-Saint-Denis), Françis Chouat (member for Essonne), Guillaume Chiche (member for Deux-Sèvres), Mireille Clapot (member for Drôme), Jean-Charles Colas-Roy (MP for Isère), Agnès Constant (Senator for Hérault), Olivier Damaisin (MP for Lot-et-Garonne), Marc Delatte (MP for Aisne), Michel Dennemont (Senator for Réunion), Nicolas Démoulin (Member for Hérault), Stéphanie Do (Member for Seine-et-Marne), Jacqueline Dubois (Member for Dordogne), Coralie Dubost (Member for Hérault), Nicole Dubré-Chirat (Member for Maine-et -Loire), Jean-François Eliaou (member for Hérault), Valéria Faure-Muntian (member for Loire), Jean-Michel Fauvergue (member for Seine-et-Marne), Alexandre Freschi (member for Lot-et -Garonne), Thomas Gassiloud (member for Rhône), André Gattolin (senator for Hauts-de-Seine), Raphaël Gauvin (member for Saône et Loire), Anne Genetet (França is established outside France), Séverine Gipson (MP for Eure), Eric Girardin (MP for Marne), Joël Giraud (MP for Hautes-Alpes), Valérie Gomez-Bassac (MP for Var), Guillaume Gouffier-Cha (member for Val-de-Marne), Fabien Gouttefarde (member for Eure), Emilie Guerel (member for Var), Nadia Hai (member for Yvelines), Véronique Hammerer (member for Gironde), Abdallah Hassani (senator for Mayotte ), Claude Haut (senator for Vaucluse), Christine Hennion (member for Hauts-de-Seine), Pierre Henriet (member for Vendée), Daniele Hérin (member for Aude), Sacha Houllié (member for Vienne), Xavier Iacovelli (senator for Hauts-de-Seine), Jean-Michel Jacques (member for Morbihan), Caroline Janvier (member for Loiret), Catherine Kamowski (member for Isère), Guillaume Kasbarian (member for Eure-et- Loir), Yannick Kerlogot (member for Côtes d’Armor), Fadila Khattabi (member for Côte d’Or), Anissa Khedher (member for R hône), Rodrigue Kokouendo (member for Seine-et-Marne), Jacques Krabal (member for Aisne), Gaël Le Bohec (member for Ile-et-Vilaine), Annaïg Le Meur (member for Finistère), Marie Lebec (member for Yvelines), Jean-Claude Leclabart (member for Somme), Valérie Oppelt (member for Loire-Atlantique), Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (member for North), Martine Leguille-Balloy (member for Vendée), Christophe Lejeune (member for Haute-Saône), Marion Lenne (member for Haute-Savoie), Martin Lévrier (senator for Yvelines), Monique Limon (member for Isère), Brigitte Liso (member for North), Alexandra Louis (member for des Bouches-du-Rhône), Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie (member for Ile-et-Vilaine), Jacques Maire (member for Hauts-de-Seine), Jacques Marilossian (member for Hauts-de-Seine), Frédéric Marchand (senator from the North), Didier Martin (member for Côte d’Or), Fabien Matras (member for Var), Sereine Mauborgne (member for Var), St éphane Mazars (member for Aveyron), Graziella Melchior (member for Finistère), Ludovic Mendes (member for Moselle), Jean-Michel Mis (member for Loire), Thani Mahamed Soilihi (senator for Mayotte), Adrien Morenas ( member for Vaucluse), Cendra Motin (member for Isère), Naïma Moutchou (member for Val-d’Oise), Catherine Osson (member for North), Hervé Pallois (member for Morbihan), Xavier Paluszkiewicz (member for Meurthe- et-Moselle), Didier Paris (member for Côte-d’Or), Zivka Park (member for Val-d’Oise), Alain Perea (member for Aude), Pierre Person (member for Paris), Anne-Laurence Petel (member for Bouches-du-Rhône), Bénédicte Pételle (member for Hauts-de-Seine), Valérie Petit (member for North), Bénédicte Peyrol (member for Allier), Michèle Peyron (member for Seine-et -Marne), Béatrice Piron (member for Yvelines), Jean-Pierre Pont (member for Pas-de-Calais), Benoit Potterie (member for Pas-deCalais), Florence P rovendier (member for Hauts-de-Seine), Didier Rambaud (senator for Isère), Pierre-Alain Raphan (member for Essone), Noëlle Rauscent (senator for Yonne), Isabelle Rauch (member for Moselle) , Laëtitia Romeiro-Dias (member for Essone), Rémy Rebeyrotte (member for Saône-et-Loire), Cécile Rihac (member for Val-d’Oise), Véronique Riotton (member for Isère), Laurence Rossi ( MP for Hauts-de-Seine), Thomas Rudigoz (MP for Rhône), Laurent Saint-Martin (MP for Val-de-Marne), Patricia Schillinger (Senator for Haut-Rhin), Bertrand Sorre (MP for Manche), Marie Tamarelle-Verhaeghe (member for Eure), Jean Terlier (member for Tarn), Dominique Théophile (senator from Guadeloupe), Valérie Thomas (member for Puy-de-Dôme), Alice Thourot (member for Drôme), Huguette Tiegna (MP deputy for Lot), Nicole Trisse (MP for Moselle), Alexandra Valetta-Ardisson (MP for Alpes-Maritimes), Laurence Vanceunebroc k (member for Allier), Pierre Venteau (member for Haute-Vienne), Marie-Christine Verdier-Jouclas (member for Tarn), Richard Yung (senator for French nationals living abroad), Hélène Zannier (member for Moselle) .

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