The violence among children never ends!
Barely a week ago shook the horrible murder of Luise († 12) from Freudenberg (NRW) whole Germany. She was stabbed to death by two friends (12 and 13) in a forest and is to be buried tomorrow, Wednesday.
Now a new video of violence and bullying among children is shocking the internet. It was recorded by students from Heide (Schleswig-Holstein) and posted on the networks.
For more than five minutes, five to six girls (13 to 16 years old) can be seen circling Sabrina* (13, name changed by the editors), who is the same age. They yell at their victim, “Now close your eyes! Do not scream! Shut up!”
Then a girl brutally punches Sabrina in the nose. She cries and begs, breathing in panic:
“Please stop. I can’t breathe, I can’t anymore”
One of the perpetrators spits in her face and screams: “We’ll beat you up until you’re bleeding on the floor.”
They filmed everything: The girl gang tormented his classmate terribly
The aggressive girl gang had previously driven their defenseless victim through the city center to the train station for hours. They stole her jacket and sweater and threw her glasses on the track bed. They doused Sabrina in coke, set fire to her hair and smeared gum in it, even stubbed out cigarettes in her face.
A passer-by noticed the crying girl’s distress, helped her and brought her home. Sabrina’s mother filed a complaint! Astrid Heidorn from the Itzehoe police department: “We are investigating those accused of joint serious bodily harm.”
The girl had previously been bullied at her school
The orgy of violence, which took place on February 21, was not the group’s first attack on Sabrina. She is currently not going to school and is now receiving psychological care in a day clinic.
BILD deliberately does not show the girls’ gang’s beating videos in order to protect the dignity and identity of the 13-year-old victim – and not to support further distribution of the recordings.