13 East Java PWM members shortlisted for 2022-2027, 6 new faces; Coverage Mohammad Nurfatoni
PWMU.CO – Up to 13 members of the 2022-2027 East Java Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) were finally elected on Saturday (12/24/2022) evening. They were elected by electronic voting aka evoting in the third plenary session of the Muhammadiyah Deliberation (Musywil) The 16th Muhammadiyah East Java.
Of the 1148 who voted only 1122. So there are 26 votes that do not vote. Voting from 20.00 to 22.50 WIB, at the Expotorium of Muhammadiyah University, Ponorogo, East Java. They chose 13 people from 64 permanent candidates for PWM East Java members 2022-2027. Earlier, at the beginning of the plenary session, the Electoral Committee had established that the list of provisional candidates would become the list of permanent candidates.
The 13 East Java PWM members for 2022-2027 who were elected, in order of votes, are:
- Sukadiono, 946
- Biyanto 846,
- Hidayatulloh, 845
- Shamsudin, 834
- Moh. Sultan Amien, 781
- Tamhid Masyhudi, 751
- M. Sasmito Djati, 638
- Muhammad Sholihin, 605
- Muh Khoiru Abduh, 592
- Hidayatur Rahman, 575
- Nazaruddin Malik, 568
- Thohir Luth, 565
- Zainul Muslimin, 451
Of the 13 names, seven owners have returned. Namely: Sukadiono, Biyanto, Hidayatulloh, Syamsudin, Tamhid Mayshudi and Thohir Luth. Meanwhile, the six new faces are M Sasmito Djati, Muhammada Sholihin, Muh Khoirul Abduh, Hidayatur Rahman, Nazaruddin Malik and Zainul Muslimini.
Election Committee (Panlih) Chairman Dr. Hidayatulloh MSi said the 13 elected individuals would hold a meeting to determine the East Java PWM chairman for 2022-2027.
Mohammad Nurfatoni