Home » Entertainment » 13 annoying millennial trends that are totally out according to Gen-Z

13 annoying millennial trends that are totally out according to Gen-Z

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13 incredibly annoying millennial trends that are completely out according to Gen-Z © IMAGO / AFLO / Yoshio Tsunoda

Trends come and go. To help you keep track, we asked the BuzzFeed community what they think is completely out of date.

It is now well known that boomers get into arguments with everyone, but the relationship between Gen-Z and Millennials is not always easy either. What was cool yesterday is already out today.

If you’re lost in all the generational confusion, you can take our quiz to find out whether you’re still Gen Z or more of a Boomer.

For all those who are sure of their generation, the most annoying millennial trends are now really starting. Some opinions were also hotly debated in the community, so don’t feel offended if you see yourself in one of these. Let’s go:

1. Everything in one color

“Monochrome furniture is fine. But if everything is grey, you’ll be redecorating everything in ten years at the latest.”


Monochrome grey living room, monochrome with sofa and cat50 Shades of Grey © IMAGO/ Pond5 Images / africa_images

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2. Skinny Jeans

“Skinny jeans remind me of Gru from Despicable Me.”

25, from Arkansas

3. Unusual eyebrows

“I hardly see any unusual styles in eyebrows anymore. More and more people are opting for the natural shape instead of large or thin eyebrows.”

24, from Florida

Model Rilana is styled during look rehearsals for the Maybelline New York make-up runway at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at the L'Oreal Professionnel Academy.Model Rilana is styled for the make-up runway at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. © picture alliance / dpa

4. The “Jim Carrey face”

“People who do it come across as cringeworthy and stuck in the ’90s. It’s completely unoriginal and uncomfortable. Jim Carrey can do it, but no one else, please.”

16, from the USA

5. Acronym

“It’s one thing to type it, but another to say it. Just laugh instead of saying ‘LOL.'”

27, from Georgia

6. Photos of food

“Nobody cares what you ate. Some experiences are better kept to yourself.”

46, from the USA

7. Hairbands

“My 19-year-old colleagues have said I give them ‘aunty vibes’. Why? Because headbands are no longer trendy; they look old-fashioned.”

40, from Great Britain

Smiling woman with hairband and gold earrings in the sunAre hairbands really out? © IMAGO / Wavebreak Media Ltd

8. Statement-Two

“They are bulky, just too much and really impractical.”

15, from the USA

Wide statement necklaces remain in fashion - H&M also continues to have them in its range (approx. 20 euros). Photo: H&MWide statement necklaces – now out? © H&M

9. Text messages

“Everyone uses Snapchat to send messages, no one texts anymore.”

28, from North Dakota

10. Children’s language

“It’s not a ‘doggo’, it’s a dog. Also, you’re 30 and you had a baby, not ‘did a thing’. I beg you, stop talking like you’re 6 years old!”

16, from the USA

11. Side parting

“They only look good on certain face shapes and often appear unbalanced.”

20, from Illinois

Photomontage: Kristen Bell and Kylie JennerMillennials or Gen-Z? Side parting or middle parting? © Everett Collection/Mauersberger/Imago7BuzzFeed Austria

12. Disney-Adults

“This is just so creepy.”


13. Smokey Eyes

“I’m a millennial. What I’ve heard from my Gen Z colleagues: Smokey eyes.”


Face of a woman with purple / violet smokey eyes, make-up, makeup, looking into the distanceMaybe soon it will be back in fashion … © IMAGO/ Pond5 Images / zastavkin

You can find the original English post by Liz Richardson here.

And of course we have more on the big and small generational conflicts:

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