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12th Passivhaus Conference: The challenges of construction, under debate

The 12th Passivhaus Conference, This event, which was held in an online format, brought together a good part of the experts in the sector in a conference with the challenges of construction as an object of debate and study. The four days, five if the inaugural one is added, had their space for solutions, practical cases and debates, which served to mark the present and the immediate broad future of Passivhaus.

“Are Spanish schools efficient or deficient? On average, in each school day the right conditions are only maintained 16% of the time: our schools fail ”. Those were the conclusions of Daniel Sanchez, who presented his’ Study of Monitoring of schools. PEP Platform ‘, in the presentation that opened the final day of the Conference.

After, as Sánchez stressed, “the largest study of this type carried out in Spain”, Micheel Wassouf, guest firm of Caloryfrio.com, who presented the case of the EnerPHit Rehabilitation of the El Garrofer school and how they managed to reduce the consumption in KW after their rehabilitation. It is the first school with Passivhaus rehabilitation in Spain.

Ludwig Rongen, Jonathan Hines, Álex Sanchiz, Cristina Romero or Ana Sánchez were other professionals who participated in the final day.

Jessica Grove-Smith, from Passive House Institute, clarified the energy savings that a Passive House pool can bring. In heating it can reach up to 60%.

Barry McCarron discussed the relationship between Passivhaus characteristics and the impact of radon gas, while Rafael Ortega presented his presentation on ‘Monitoring of Passivhaus Plus housing in Mediterranean climate’

‘The Wave House: Passivhaus in warm weather’, by Antonio Dominguez and ‘Basa de la Mora. Aerothermal experience with collective Passivhaus and telemetry learning. ‘, With Jordi Clotet, were other interesting talks of the second week of these days.

Second day Passivhaus

The person in charge of opening the conference on the second day was Oliver Style, guest signature of Caloryfrio.com, with his presentation “Enerphit: simple solutions for air tightness in rehabilitation works”. He explained how to avoid infiltrations in buildings with Passivhaus.

Then it was the turn of Michael Ingui, from New York, with his talk on ‘Certified Passive House historic masonry retrofit’. “Passivhaus is breathing life into buildings that need it. It has many benefits, they are very silent, “he explained. “Customers didn’t know they could have fresh filtered air. They don’t know the benefits of Passivhaus and when they do, they want them. You save a lot in energy, but you leave it for last because what they prefer are the benefits, the comfort for them ”.

Manuel Rabanal, from Daikin, in its ‘Proposal for the integration and management of photovoltaic, solar thermal and aerothermal energy in positive energy houses’, asked to join forces. The “integration, control, not giving up the use of various renewable energy sources. There is no reason to choose one or the other, but to add ”, he argued.

Carlos Gomez, from Pro-Clima, presented his presentation called ‘Safe sealing of the building envelope’, with four examples developed in Spain. He explained that with a good seal, the insulations will be efficient in all their characteristics.

‘The blind box in the Passivhaus certification’ was the exhibition of Marta Muñozby Kömmerling, while Jordi Guivernau, from Rockwool, closed the first round of interventions with his ‘Rockwool Strategy for interior rehabilitation with EnerPHit criteria’.

Rafael Bravo, from Orkli, established in its ‘Combined solution of heat pump and ventilation in the rehabilitation environment’, that, among the many advantages of this solution, are that fewer installations need to be made and there is less space occupied inside the house .

Manuel Lobo, from Finsa, introduced in more detail the use of wood with its ‘Prevention of condensation in enclosures with light framework’. Iñaki del Prim He also spoke about the same material with his presentation ‘Casa del Peregrino en Zegama’, a hostel on the road to Santiago.

The ‘Automation of Active Systems’ was the reason for the talk of Francesc Soler (Loxone), while Esteban Pardo explained in detail ‘Victoria! Passivhaus Plus offices in La Rioja ‘.

Felix Garcia-Primi (Knauf Insulation), for its part, touched on the theme of ‘Insulation and thermal bridges in Los Rosales’ residence for the elderly.

Stephen Quinn closed the round of individual interventions with his explanation in the ‘Process of conversion to Passivhaus of a car dealer’, with the cold as one of the main enemies to beat in the first conversion of a workspace of this type to the Passivhaus model .

The debates, in which the doubts of the spectators were solved, and the visit to a Passivhaus building in Nájera put the end to an interesting day.

Institutional conference

Bruno Gutiérrez Cuevas, president of the Passivhaus Building Platform (PEP), was in charge of starting the 12th Passivhaus Conference with his opening speech at a meeting that is taking place online.

The first act of this event celebrated its institutional day with the point of view of the administrations as the beginning. In addition to the benefits of this sustainable construction model, it was wanted to introduce the Passivhaus as a constitutional right. José Antonio Carrillo Morente, DG of Housing and Urban Planning of Castilla La Mancha, wanted to emphasize that “when we talk about Passivhaus we are thinking about the well-being of people and the comfort and quality of life it provides.”

These rights, he said, are reflected both in the Constitution and in the sustainable development goals of the European agenda.

Fernando Garcia Mozos, Head of the Department of Residential and Buildings of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), presented the PREE. He explained what it offers and recalled that now it is the Autonomous Communities that manage it. He also showed how much the Passivhaus can contribute.

Iñaqui Carnicero, DG of Urban Agenda and Architecture, spoke in his presentation on ‘Quality of the built environment ”, while Verónica Villagrasa, DG of Housing and Rehabilitation of Aragón, explained the’ Passivhaus integral renovations from the Administration ‘, in which his community is on the right track.

A different point of view was also seen with the presentation ‘Ecobonus Italia, successful case of rehabilitation aid’. Cecilia Hugony, from Renovate Italy, explained that they support with tax incentives that have contributed to “practically making the underground economy disappear in the sector. It generates more income than it costs, it is proven ”.

The day ended with a debate in which, at the beginning, the “School Monitoring Study” was highlighted, where the Passivhaus Building Platform analyzed more than 700,000 parameters in schools in 33 Spanish cities during a school year. He did not get a good grade. Then an interesting talk began that lasted with grants as one of the topics on the table.

You can consult the full program in this link.

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