Home » today » World » 127 new positives, of which 68 asymptomatic from regional controls. 46 already in isolation at the time of the swab. 54 positive only in the provinces of Bologna and Reggio Emilia. There are 30 returns from abroad. One death – Emilia-Romagna Region

127 new positives, of which 68 asymptomatic from regional controls. 46 already in isolation at the time of the swab. 54 positive only in the provinces of Bologna and Reggio Emilia. There are 30 returns from abroad. One death – Emilia-Romagna Region

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia Romagna they registered 30,915 cases of positivity, 127 more than yesterday, of which 68 asymptomatic identified in the context of contact tracing activities e screening regionali.

Of the 127 new cases, 46 were already in isolation at the time of swab execution and 39 were identified under already known outbreaks.

There are 30 new infections connected to holidays The you come back from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasal pharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if arriving from non-Schengen countries and one swab if returning from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta.

Out of 68 new asymptomatic patients, 21 were identified through the screening and tests introduced by the Region, 25 thanks to contact tracing, while 3 cases emerged from pre-admission tests.

As for the situation on the territory, the provinces with the highest number of cases are Bologna (29), Reggio Emilia (25), Piacenza (15), Ravenna (12) and Ferrara (11).

A Bologna and province out of 29 cases, of which 13 symptomatic, for 17 the epidemiological investigation is still underway. Of the 12 cases on which investigations have already been concluded, 4 are returning from Sardinia, 4 have been placed in new family outbreaks, 3 have been classified as sporadic and 1 has been detected thanks to tests prepared on the categories most at risk. For the remaining 17 for which further investigations are required, in 8 cases these are contacts of patients already known, 2 were identified with the controls on their return from Croatia, 4 were hospitalized due to the presence of symptoms, 1 carried out tests in what category and risk and 2 were diagnosed in the hospital, where they were for problems not related to Covid.

In the territory of Reggio Emilia, out of 25 cases of which 17 were symptomatic, 11 were already in isolation at the time of the swab. There are 11 cases of return from abroad: 3 come from Albania, 2 from Moldova, 1 from Macedonia, 2 from Greece, 2 from Spain and 1 from Malta. Of the remaining 14 cases, 8 were traced back to the outbreak of young people returning from a holiday on the Romagna coast, 3 are returning from Sardinia, 1 is a contact from a known case and two were classified as sporadic.

In the province of Piacenza, out of 15 new cases, 3 of which were symptomatic, 6 were already in isolation at the time of the swab. Four new cases concern guests or employees of two homes for the elderly, a new positive is returning from Sardinia, one case is attributable to the outbreak of young people on vacation always on the Romagna Riviera, 4 new positives had undergone a swab or serological test voluntarily , two were identified when they entered the emergency room and three finally returned from abroad (two from Morocco and one from Malta).

A Ravenna, out of 12 new cases of which 8 were symptomatic, 5 were already in isolation when the swab was performed. Four positives have come back from Albania, one infection is a family member of a case already known, one was identified thanks to an autonomously identified serological test, six cases were finally diagnosed due to symptoms. Of the latter, two were returning from holidays outside the region.

In the province of Ferrara all 11 new cases were already in isolation at the time of the swab. One case is returning from abroad (Ukraine), 3 new positives are young people returning from Sardinia, two have been diagnosed due to symptoms while a total of 5 cases have been identified because contacts of already known positives.

These are the data – ascertained at 12 today on the basis of institutional requests – relating to the progress of the epidemic in the region.

I swabs made yesterday there were 6,430, for a total of 827,082. To these are added 2,059 serological tests.

I active cases, ie the number of actual patients, to date are 2,034 (109 more than those registered yesterday). Unfortunately, there is a death in the province of Ravenna.

People in isolation the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are symptom-free, are a total of 1,949 (+107 compared to yesterday), 95% of active cases. Patients remain stable at 8 in intensive care, while those rise to 77 hospitalized in other Covid wards (+2 compared to yesterday).

People as a whole heal they are 24,425 (+17 compared to yesterday): 27 “clinically cured”, that is, became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 24,398 those declared completely cured because they resulted negative in two consecutive tests.

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,743 a Piacenza (+15, of which 3 symptomatic), 3,879 a Parma (+6, of which 3 symptomatic), 5,302 y Reggio Emilia (+25, of which 17 symptomatic), 4,283 y Modena (+8, of which 2 symptomatic), 5,534 y Bologna (+29, of which 13 symptomatic), 458 cases a Imola (+3, no symptoms), 1.169 a Ferrara (+12, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,268 a Ravenna (+12, of which 8 symptomatic), 1,026 y Forlì (+8, of which 4 symptomatic), 877 a Cesena (+5, of which 3 symptomatic) and 2,376 a Rimini (+5, of which 4 symptomatic).

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