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127 new infections in the Netherlands: highest number in a …

In one day, the number of reported new infections with the coronavirus in the Netherlands increased by 127.

This is the highest number of people who have tested positive in a month. Most people tested positive were reported in The Hague (15) and Rotterdam (10). Goes from Zeeland also stands out with 9 infections.

In the corona capital of Zeeland, which has 27,000 inhabitants, the majority of people tested positive for the population. This is evident from new figures from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

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It has been exactly a month since there were more infections in the Netherlands. On 18 June, RIVM reported that 132 people tested positive. This is still much less than the number of infections between the end of March and mid-April. With 1,335 infections, April 10 will go into the history books for the time being as the day when the largest number of people in the Netherlands were tested positive for the new corona virus.

6,136 killed

The official death rate is now 6,136 deaths. That number has fallen by two due to corrections made to previous reports. In total, 11,895 people were hospitalized, who were found to be the cause of COVID-19. That’s one person more than yesterday.

The actual numbers are probably higher. Since 1 June, people have been allowed to have themselves tested for a cold or sneezing, but research shows that the Dutch are lax with testing. In a survey conducted by RIVM, only 12 percent of the Dutch said they had themselves tested for complaints.

During the entire epidemic, a total of 51,581 Dutch people tested positive.

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