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125 Years Old Fossil Found, Allegedly Save Dinosaur DNA

Caudipteryx. (Wikipedia Commons/ Jaime A. Headden)

Hitekno.com – Found dinosaur fossils 125 million years old which is claimed to still hold remains DNA in it.

Scientists found fossil who is suspected to still have DNA dinosaur it is in China.

If confirmed, it would be the oldest chromosomal material recorded in a vertebrate fossil.

In a new study published in the journal Communications Biology, researchers compared fossilized cartilage from dinosaur Caudipteryx was the size of a peacock with cells from a modern chicken.

Scientists have found structures in fossils that are very similar to chromatin, or strands of DNA and protein.

Even so, experts say they can’t resurrect dinosaurs from fossilized DNA.

If there is DNA or DNA-like molecules there, it will be highly modified and chemically altered,” said Alida Bailleul, a paleobiologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences who led the research.

125-year-old fossil holds dinosaur DNA. [Nature.com]

However, if paleontologists can identify the chromosomal material in fossils, scientists may one day be able to uncover pieces of the genetic sequence.

This could reveal a little more about dinosaur physiology. However, researchers must first confirm whether it is really DNA.

Until recently, most paleontologists thought that decay destroyed cell contents before fossilization could take place.

More recently, paleontologists have discovered cell structures that are considered legitimate in some fossils, such as the 190-million-year-old fern cells found in 2014.

The dinosaur fossils in the new study were originally found in Liaoning and have a lot of preserved cartilage.

Experts treated the bones with the same dye that is used to image DNA in modern tissues.

These dyes bind to DNA and turn it into a specific color.

125-year-old fossil holds dinosaur DNA. [Nature.com]
125-year-old fossil holds dinosaur DNA. [Nature.com]

By examining cartilage, the team of experts showed that cartilage cells contain a structure that looks like a nucleus with strands of chromatin inside.

The imaging appears to show the nucleus but it’s more difficult to identify the fossil chromosome because no one really knows what happens to the chromosome as it decays.

It is possible that the contents of the nucleus could disintegrate into structures that look like chromosomes, but are actually just piles of mineral waste.

For now, the experts involved hope to gather more chemical data to determine the identity of the mysterious structure.

Those are the findings of dinosaur fossils that are thought to still store dinosaur DNA well. (Suara.com/ Lintang Siltya Utami).

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