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12 types of fish that are safe to eat during pregnancy

Pregnant women are recommended to eat seafood such as fish. United States Food and Drug Administration or Food and pharmaceutical administration (FDA) advises pregnant women to eat fish about two to three times a week.

Fish has a variety of good nutrients such as protein, iron and omega-3 fatty acids, which can be beneficial for the health of pregnant women and the fetus in the womb.

Some types of fish can actually harm pregnant women and the fetus because they contain too much mercury, but there are also types of fish that are safe for consumption and good for fetal development.

This timepopmama.comincluded 12 types of fish safe for consumption by pregnant women. Come on, mom, let’s see what kind of fish there are!

1. Gourami


This easy-to-find fish has many benefits for pregnant women, you know. Gouramy can be a source of energy for pregnant women because it contains high levels of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

Furthermore, gouramy can also prevent degenerative diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Mum also needs to know that body cells are damaged every day: By regularly consuming gouramy, damaged body cells can be replaced with new cells.

2. Cod

2. Cod

Pexels/Diana Dunaeva

Compared to other marine fish, cod is a type of marine fish that is low in mercury, so it is safe for consumption by pregnant women.

Cod contains protein, potassium, calcium, iron which can be beneficial for the health of pregnant women.

Not only beneficial for pregnant women, consuming cod during pregnancy can also help the growth and development of the fetus in the womb.

3. Pufferfish

3. Pufferfish


The nutritional content contained in mackerel has many benefits for pregnant women. The high potassium content in mackerel can help keep blood pressure in check.

Additionally, the omega-3 and protein content in this fish can also help control weight gain and aid in weight loss.

Meanwhile, for pregnant women with diabetes, the omega-6 content in mackerel is believed to be able to control blood sugar in the body.

4. Catfish

4. Catfish


Often unrealized, catfish is found to be safe for consumption and good for pregnant women. This cheap and easy-to-find fish can be a source of protein to maintain energy and health during pregnancy.

Catfish is also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which may help optimize the growth and development of the brain, heart, eyes and immune system of the fetus.

5. Mackerel

5. Mackerel


Mackerel is one of the marine fish that is safe for consumption and beneficial for the fetus and pregnant women.

The DHA content in mackerel is thought to reduce the risk of autism, cerebral palsyand developmental delays in newborns. Furthermore, the content of omega-3 fatty acids is also very beneficial for the development of the child.

Meanwhile, the benefits of mackerel for pregnant women are to help overcome stress. According to a report published in the magazine Neuroscience and CNS therapiesthe omega 3 fatty acid content in this fish can reduce symptoms of major depression by up to 50%.

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6. Goldfish

6. Goldfish


Goldfish is not contaminated with mercury, so it is safe for consumption by pregnant women. Just like other fish, goldfish also contain many nutrients which are good for pregnant women and the fetus.

The omega-3 fatty acid and DHA content of goldfish can help optimize fetal brain development.

Meanwhile, the iron content in goldfish can prevent pregnant women from suffering from anemia.

7. Their fish

7. Their fish


Tilapia is a safe fish for consumption because it has low levels of mercury. Tilapia contains protein, phosphorus, selenium and vitamin B12 which are beneficial for the bone and dental health of the fetus.

Tilapia is also low in fat, so mothers who have a history of cholesterol need not worry if they want to eat tilapia.

8. Salmon

8. Salmon


It is no longer a secret that salmon is a safe and good fish to be consumed by pregnant women.

The nutritional content of salmon such as omega-3 fatty acids, protein, magnesium and potassium has a myriad of benefits for pregnant women and also the fetus.

9. Fish Pollock

9. Fish Pollock

Pexels/Geraud pfeiffer

In Japan, pollock is commonly used as an ingredient crab stick. While in Korea, pollock fish is often used as dry food or soup.

This same pollock fish has many useful nutrients for pregnant women. Ingredients like niacin, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids and other types of antioxidants may be helpful in reducing inflammation, such as arthritis.

Not only that, the content of protein, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12 can also be a source of energy for pregnant women.

10. Sardines

10. Sardines


The next type of fish that is safe for consumption is sardines. The iodine content in sardines is beneficial for bone growth and strengthens the immune system of pregnant women.

When consumed regularly, the health of pregnant women during pregnancy will be maintained. This is because sardines contain calcium and vitamin D.

Not only that, the DHA and EPA content in sardines may also be beneficial for fetal growth.

11. Anchovies

11. Anchovies

Pexels/Mumtahina Tanni

Mom no longer needs to hesitate and worry if she wants to eat anchovies during pregnancy. This small fish has low levels of mercury, so it’s safe for consumption by pregnant women.

When consumed regularly, anchovies are believed to reduce the risk of several types of cancer. This is because anchovy contains a substance called selenium.

Anchovy also contains high iron content, so it can prevent pregnant women from suffering from anemia.

12. Tuna

12. Tuna


Tuna is a type of marine fish that is a source of omega-3, DHA, EPA, and omega-6 fatty acids.

The DHA content in tuna is said to prevent miscarriage, while the EPA is beneficial in helping form blood cells and nourishing the heart.

They were 12 types of fish safe for consumption by pregnant women. While these fish are safe for consumption and have many benefits, avoid over-consuming them, OK, Mom.

Also, pay attention to how to cook it. Avoid consuming raw fish and it is best to reduce processing by frying or baking it.

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