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12 tips to control light consumption

With the extension of quarantine in times of coronavirus, families, with all or most of their members at home, consume more energy.

Here we offer recommendations to reduce the cost on your invoices.

Equipment electrical: Prefer appliances with energy efficient performance.

Technological gadgets: Keep charging your cell phone, tablet or devices as necessary and disconnect the charger as soon as the battery is finished.

Disconnect: All entertainment equipment and systems should be disconnected when not in use. Many electronic devices have an energy saving function, which could help reduce your consumption.

Temperature: If you use air conditioner, check the external temperature to see if it requires turning it on. If you need it, choose the average temperature and keep windows and doors closed when activated. In your kitchen: If the water heater is electric, verify that the temperature does not exceed 140 degrees F.

With the fridge: Keep the refrigerator at 40 degrees F and the freezer at 0 degrees F.

Using the oven: Try to keep the door closed, since it uses more energy while heating when open. It is ideal if you bake several things at once.

Counter alert: To check your home network, disconnect all electrical equipment and make sure all switches are in the off position. Then examine your meter and verify that no consumption is recorded. Otherwise you should consult a technician.

illumination: Install efficient light bulbs. Led lights use much less energy and have three times the life of fluorescent lights. Use lamps dedicated to the point where you need them, rather than lighting the entire space.

Clean help: The bulbs, lamps, lights and reflectors must be cleaned regularly. This will allow you to get more light without using as many points of power consumption.

Natural light: Remember that you can take advantage of natural light, so you can place your desk to work, study or read near a window.

Timers and sensors: Whenever possible, install presence sensors and timers in suitable places.

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