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12 signs of vitamin B1 deficiency, seizures and nervous disorders Page att

KOMPAS.com – Vitamin B1 or what is called thiamine is an important micronutrient.

To collect health line, benefit vitamin B1 many to perform healthcare functions, such as:

  • Body growth and development
  • cellular function
  • Converts food into energy

If you miss or vitamin B1 deficiency, there are adverse health effects. Recognize some of the signs vitamin B1 deficiency which must not be overlooked.

Read also: 8 health benefits of vitamin B1 and its sources

What are the signs of vitamin B1 deficiency?

Reported by WebMDhere are the signs of vitamin B1 deficiency, which you may experience in one or more of them:

Seizures are uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity between brain cells (also called neurons or nerve cells) that cause temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movement (eg, stiffness, twitching, or weakness).

Ataxia is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. Some of the symptoms of ataxia are similar to those of drunkenness, such as slurred speech, easy tripping and falling, and poor coordination.

Vitamin B1 deficiency it can also make you unable to think or reason purposefully and clearly.

Nystagmus is a visual condition in which the eyes make repetitive and uncontrollable movements.

  • Feelings become more sensitive

Signs of vitamin B1 deficiency The other is triggering irritability. This condition can make feelings more sensitive and easily frustrated due to trivial things.

Papilledema is a serious medical condition in which the optic nerve at the back of the eye swells.

Lack of vitamin B1 can also make you forgetful easily. This short-term memory loss can make you forget things you just heard, saw, or did.

High levels of stress, vigorous exercise, or the effects of caffeine usually make your heart race. But lack of vitamin B1 can also trigger tachycardia or prolonged rapid heartbeat.

People who are deficient in vitamin B1 may also experience mood swings that change easily within a short time.

  • Some parts of the body are swollen

Edema or swelling in different body tissues due to excess fluid trapped in the body tissues can also be caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency.

In some cases, a lack of vitamin B1 can cause shortness of breath. However, this condition can be caused by diseases like heart disease, lung disease, etc.

Another symptom of vitamin B1 deficiency is sensorimotor polyneuropathy. This condition is a whole-body (systemic) process that damages nerve cells, nerve fibers, and nerve sheaths. Damage to the nerve cell coverings causes nerve signals to slow down or stop.

Read also: 9 foods rich in vitamin B1

What are the effects of untreated vitamin B1 deficiency?

To collect WebMD, If you have untreated vitamin B1 deficiency, it can lead to serious health complications.

The following are complications of vitamin B1 deficiency that can occur:

  • Decreased ability of the heart to pump blood
  • To come
  • Brain disease
  • Heart failure
  • Permanent nerve damage, which can limit sensation
  • Psychosis or a condition that is difficult to distinguish between reality and imagination
  • Worsening of diabetic nerve damage

In some cases, severe vitamin B1 deficiency can be life-threatening.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency such as severe shortness of breath, sudden difficulty speaking or slurred speech, or paralysis or the inability to move any part of your body.

To prevent the appearance of signs of vitamin B1 deficiency, we must meet the number of vitamin needs.

We have a daily requirement for vitamin B1 which can vary according to gender, age and condition.

Read also: Figures for vitamin B1 needs for everyone and their sources

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