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12 Killed in Myanmar, Vice President Threatens to Overthrow the Junta

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Acting head of the parallel civilian government Myanmar vowed to pursue a “revolution” to overthrow military junta who does coup d’etat, while 12 demonstrators died on the same day.

This was conveyed by Mahn Win Khaing Than, Myanmar’s interim leader appointed by lawmakers after the overthrow of the military coup on February 1.

He spoke to the public for the first time, Saturday (13/3) from his hiding location. Currently, Than is on the run along with most of the senior officials from the supposedly ruling National League for Democracy Party.

“It is the darkest hour of the nation and the time of dawn is near,” Than told the public via Facebook.

12 protesters were killed

Meanwhile, on the same day, eyewitnesses and domestic media Myanmar Now and BBC Burma said at least 12 protesters were killed.

It is one of the bloodiest days since a coup by the Myanmar army that seized power and held back most of the civilian leadership including Aung San Suu Kyi.

In its evening news broadcast, the junta-run media, MRTV, called the protesters “criminals” but did not elaborate.

The junta could not be reached for comment on Saturday.

Mahn Win Khaing Than was appointed last week as acting vice president. Appointments were made by representatives of the deposed members of Myanmar’s parliament, the Committee to Represent the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH).

They have announced their intention to create federal democracy and leaders have met representatives of the largest ethnic armed organization in Myanmar, which controls large swaths of territory across the country. Some have pledged their support.

“To establish a federal democracy, which all ethnic brothers and sisters, who have suffered all kinds of oppression from the dictatorship for decades, truly desire, this revolution is an opportunity for us to unite our efforts,” said Mahn Win Khaing Than.

His speech was met with thousands of approving comments from many who followed him on Facebook. “Go on Mr. President! You are our hope. We are all with you,” wrote one user, Ko Shan.

The junta has previously declared CRPH illegal. They also said anyone involved could be charged with treason, which carries the death penalty.

In contrast, the CRPH has declared the junta a “terrorist organization”.

Myanmar citizens themselves have fought back against the coup. The civil resistance action that started with government employees such as doctors and teachers has now developed into a general strike.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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