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12 hours before the refugee meeting in Brussels, our government has no position –

/ world today news/ “An extraordinary meeting of the interior ministers is coming up, where they have to make a decision on two extremely important issues. One is whether they will agree to the so-called permanent refugee distribution mechanism’.

This was stated by BSP/PES MEP Iliana Yotova on BNR. Yotova clarified that she proposed to take into account the territory of the member country. “The EP accepted this proposal of mine, but the EC will obviously not comply with it,” she added. According to her, the second important issue to be considered is whether the member states will accept a change in the Dublin Agreement in order for the principle of solidarity to work. “Almost 12 hours before this meeting, Bulgaria has no position on these two issues,” emphasized Yotova. According to her, there should have been a meeting with the president to discuss these problems. “We are happy like little children that according to the quota distribution we will accept very few refugees. In the new table in the EC, there are already 1,600 refugees, but we realize that this coefficient is calculated on a certain number of refugees, 120,000, as proposed by the EC. This is where the big paradox comes from – far more than 1,600 people enter Bulgaria. What’s up with them? Who pays for them?” asked Iliana Yotova.

Yotova commented that a rather heavy campaign is being waged against our country for the fact that we are the land corridor of jihadists, of people who are foreign fighters, that the easiest way to Syria is through Bulgaria and Turkey, and in Turkey the border is open . “It is impossible not to take into account what is happening in our country. It is not by chance that we are present in the reports of the security services”, she added and clarified that in publications of leading European publications we are present with very serious analyzes to what extent Bulgaria is a safe EU member state. According to her, measures should be taken in two directions – is a pan-European policy to deal with the crisis possible and will a distinction be made between the countries on the external border of the EU, which directly bear this huge refugee pressure. “Will there be solidarity towards these countries in Europe, will there be a change to the European legislation – the Dublin agreement, which was made for some other years,” Yotova asked. She explained that, according to him, refugees should stay in the country of first registration. “To what extent and how Bulgaria knows its interest, in what direction it is and how it defends it on the European stage”, commented the MEP.

The BSP MEP stated that he and his colleagues in the Internal Security Committee have no differences on what Bulgaria’s position should be. “This common position of ours is stumbling here on the domestic stage,” she added. According to her, in the lightest form, Bulgaria can be part of the countries like Greece, Italy and Hungary, in which new refugees from other countries are not redistributed.

Yotova also commented on the opinion of the trade unions of the Ministry of the Interior on the condition of the people who are currently guarding our border. “24-hour duty. People who are leaving en masse because they cannot withstand this physical tension and one thing we don’t want to talk about out loud, but it’s about the state of the Bulgarian borders,” she added. According to her, the Bulgarian government should at least set out the conditions it has and the rules according to which it will house the refugees. “Since the start of this wave, local government has literally been left to fend for itself as it can.” The point in Elhovo is overcrowded by 30-40% over its capacity, because these are the people who first set foot on the territory of Bulgaria and settle there,” explained the MEP. She is of the opinion that Bulgaria should help with whatever it can. “But in order to fulfill our duty to them, there must also be reasonable limits. And not, as our government in front of Europe, especially Mrs. Kuneva, says to everything: “okay, it will be done.” It can’t be done, because everything falls on our backs. We won’t be able to do it alone. Reasonable solutions are needed,” said Iliana Yotova.

The Bulgarian government does not live on a lonely island. It is a duty to society

“The Bulgarian government does not live on a lonely island, just for itself. It is obliged to the Bulgarian society to try to explain the situation with the overflight of Russian planes,” said the MEP. She added that she did not understand who made this decision, with what arguments, whether Russia was asked and what was on that plane. “I dare not think that this is part of some anti-Russian hysteria that has possessed our rulers,” she added. According to her, the most reasonable behavior would be for Bulgaria to support Russia’s participation in an anti-Islamic coalition, but Yotova emphasized that she is skeptical about making such a decision.

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