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12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are Poisonous

A number of fauna usually have a striking color. These colors are not due to genetics alone. But also as self-protection against predators, attracting the opposite sex, communication, disguise, and others.

Here are some strikingly colored animals. Beautiful but some are poisonous:

1. Quoted from University of Wisconsin, the striking color of the mantis shrimp serves to attract the opposite sex and warn against predators


2. Reported from Animal DiversityThe mandarin fish’s body is filled with mucus and it smells bad

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousMandarin fish are found in Southeast Asia. (dtmag.com)

3. National Geographic note, the color of the peacock on the peacock aims to attract the attention of the opposite sex

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousThe color of the peacock can attract the attention of the opposite sex. (worldanimalfoundation.org)

4. Reported from National Zoo, dart frogs including species that are poisonous to mammals

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousGrunge.com

5. Reported from Mental Floss, chameleons change color to help regulate body temperature and communicate

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousChameleons change color as a way of communicating. (scitechdaily.com)

Also Read: 6 Facts About Yawning Animals, Do All Animals Do It?

6. This is a bird that comes from the plains of Africa. her name lilac-breasted roller. That’s good

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousThe lilac-breasted roller is a bird endemic to Africa. (ebird.org)

7. Army moths include species that have a light color. according to Insecta, Its habitat is almost spread all over the world

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousArmy moths are more often bright green. (butterfly-conservation.org)

8. Reported Australian Geographic, the striking color of the blue viper to give a signal that he is a venomous animal

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousThe blue viper is a type of venomous snake. (500px.com/Fauzan Maududdin)

9. Reported Ocean Conservancy, the blue ring octopus has a powerful neurotoxin that can cause death

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousHealthline.com

10. Reported from Sea Sky, royal starfish including starfish species that can swallow their prey whole

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousBright purple sea stars. (wikimedia.org)

11. Quoted from National Geographic, mandrill including the largest monkey in the world. This animal lives in the rainforests of Africa

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousMandrill is the largest monkey species in the world. (grunge.com)

12. According to eBird, mandarin ducks live in East Asia and Western Europe

12 Colorful Animal Portraits, Beautiful and Some are PoisonousReddit.com

That’s a portrait of a row of strikingly colored animals. It’s very unique. It can be so colorful. Have you ever come across a unique colored animal too? Share in the comments column yes.

Also Read: 7 Deadliest Animals for Humans in the World, What Animals Are There?

This article was first written by Dahli Anggara at IDN Times Community with the title Something is Toxic, 12 Portraits of Animals with Flashy Colors on Their Body

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