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12.3 percent salary increases for employees in the Prison Service: Budgets, Solidarity, and Andrzej Kołodziejski

This is good news compared to what was presented in the provisional budget at the beginning of August. There it was written for the entire budget, i.e. uniformed officers, 6.6 percent, said Andrzej Kołodziejski, chairman of the National Council of the Prison Service, in an interview with the tvp.info portal. Ultimately, an increase of 12.3 percent was recorded. As he pointed out, the indexation by 6.6 percent. “compared to the valorization of disability pensions and pensions at the level of over 12 percent. caused that many uniformed people preferred to retire for retirement due to this higher valorization of pensions and pensions than to remain in service, because if it translates into money – they were comparable or greater in retirement.

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The National Council of the Solidarity Prison Service Section was involved in supporting the National Prison Service Commission of NSZZ Solidarność in negotiations with the government.

– We had flags hoisted in all prisons and detention centers and we supported the National Commission with substantive comments that could help negotiations with the government Kolodziejski said. As he added, the National Council of the Prison Service Section is working on the budget sent its position on the situation of officers and employees in the Prison Service.

– We pointed out that the indexation of salaries in the budgetary sphere should be at the level of the aforementioned 20 percent. In July, the Social Dialogue Council was held, which concerned salaries in the budgetary sphere, and the position of the National Commission was upheld there, demanding that the government pay 20 percent of valorisation, he noted. As he added, “the government proposed 6.6 and we proposed 20 and it looks like we’ve met halfway.”

In his opinion, “certainly some circles – OPZZ or the Trade Unions Forum – will be dissatisfied.” – But they are dissatisfied in a purely political context, because they left the agreement at the social dialogue council and are now organizing a demonstration on September 15. I believe that this is a purely political pre-election maneuver of those circles related, one might say, to the left Kolodziejski said.

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The situation in the Prison Service

– This year, pensioners could count on an almost 15% indexation; Officers were offered and implemented 7.8 percent. this increase. This resulted in a record number of officers retiring at the end of February this year – said the chairman of the National Council of the Solidarity Prison Service Section.

– In the Prison Service, there were 2,900 FTEs, and the whole Service has about 28,000 employees. uniformed jobs and about 1.5 thousand. civilian jobs. As a result, almost 10% of very experienced staff – because these people were in the service from 15 to 30 years – left the service. I emphasize 10 percent. a very important and experienced substance, and experience in working with prisoners is extremely important, because working with people serving prison sentences is difficult – he explained.

Andrzej Kołodziejczak emphasized that “since February, very hard work has been done by the staff of the Prison Service, which admitted at least 2,100 people to the Prison Service.” – So we can say that two-thirds of what was lost has been filled. However, it must be remembered that these are young officers who, after 5-8 years, will actually be said to have experience. It’s a difficult moment, but we’ll get through it,” he said.

The interlocutor of our portal repeated the opinion that the information about the increases is good news.

– It is so that the budget has to ask politicians of every option for some money. Now there is a situation resulting from external things, that is, the war of the pandemic and the increase in inflation. It is therefore natural that the entire budgetary sphere – the army, the police – are the services needed to maintain security and you cannot save on security. – he said.

As he added, in “Uniformed Solidarity – especially in our environment – we would like uniformed services to be budgeted according to the GDP indicator in the future.”

– At the moment, the head of the service is a supplicant who comes and calculates the budget, but it is the politician – the minister of finance or the prime minister – who decide what the budget will be. If it were linked to wages, e.g. the national average, it would certainly be better systematized, said Kołodziejski. However, as he added “these 12 percent is a success for budgetary circles”.

source: tvp.info

2023-08-24 18:44:00
#Solidarity #increase #state #budget #great #success

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