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11,414 Registered Housing Locations on the SiKumbang Application

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Fund Management Center Housing Financing ( PPDPP) The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) noted that 11,414 housing locations have been recorded in the Developer Collection Information System application ( SiKumbang)

PPDPP President Director Arief Sabaruddin said the developers of the housing sites were members of 20 associations developer housing.

Not only housing locations, PPDPP also recorded as many as 500,605 landed housing units also recorded in the application.

Also read: More than 100,000 Subsidized Houses Registered on the SiKumbang Application

Of these, as many as 257,647 units of subsidized footprint were declared sold and 1,604 apartment units were registered with 387 units. subsidized home that has been sold.

“With the current real data in terms of housing supply and demand, everything will become more accountable, transparent, efficient and fast,” said Arief through a written statement received. Kompas.com, Friday (4/9/2020).

Arief added that this data became a consideration and input to the Ministry of Finance regarding the distribution of funds for the Domestic Financing Liquidity Facility ( FLPP) in the future.

Chairman of the DPP Real Estate Indonesia (REI) Totok Lusida continues to encourage its members to enter housing data developed into this application.

Also read: SiKasep Becomes a Container for Housing Aid Distribution

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPP Association of Housing and Settlements Developers (Himperra) Endang Kawidjaja conveyed input regarding the preparation of legal instruments in case of occurrence double booking.

He hopes that PPDPP will continue to strengthen its system in order to avoid technical problems.

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