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112 new deaths from coronavirus, most reported deaths to date NOW

Another 112 people in the Netherlands have died from the effects of the coronavirus, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reports in the daily update on Friday. This is by far the largest number of reported deceased corona patients in one day. Hospitals added 349 new COVID-19 patients.

A total of 546 corona patients died in the Netherlands. The number of confirmed infections increased by 1,172 to 8,603.

On Thursday, hospitals added 315 new patients and 78 deaths were reported. On Wednesday, RIVM reported 341 new hospital admissions and 80 deaths. Never before have so many deaths been reported in 24 hours as now with 112 deceased corona patients. Before that, eighty deaths were still the largest number.

Every day an update is given of the last 24 hours. This does not mean that 78 people died from Wednesday to Thursday, for example. Some deaths are not registered on the same day.

RIVM: Conclusion of measures about number of days

According to RIVM, the measures taken may already have an impact on the number of deaths and the number of people who end up in the hospital, since those numbers “increase less quickly than you would expect without measures”. “If this line continues, it can be concluded in a few days whether the measures taken – keep distance, limit social contact, wash hands – work.”

The actual number of infections with the COVID-19 virus is also higher. Due to the limited test capacity, not everyone can be tested. In particular, patients admitted to hospital and caregivers are tested.

Follow the latest developments around the virus in our live blog.

The coronavirus in short

  • The coronavirus mainly spreads from person to person via sneezing and cough drops. The chance of becoming infected through surfaces such as door handles is small. This chance decreases if you wash your hands often.
  • You can considerably reduce the chance of spreading by keeping at least 1.5 meters away from others.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. Precautions are necessary to contain this.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) complaints.
  • Almost all deaths involve the elderly or other vulnerable persons, such as heart, lung or diabetes patients. If everyone complies with the measures, this reduces their risks.
  • Read here what precautions you should take.

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