Home » today » Business » 11,000 Dutch people sign up as volunteers at the Dutch Council for Refugees

11,000 Dutch people sign up as volunteers at the Dutch Council for Refugees

Most registrations come through the platform nederlandvoorvluchtelingen.nl† There people can let them know what they can do for Ukrainians.

Volunteers from the Dutch Council for Refugees help Ukrainians with questions during office hours in reception centers. After the first period, they also help to integrate.

“It is heartwarming to see how many people are willing to roll up their sleeves to receive refugees in the best possible way,” says Frank Candel, the chairman of the Dutch Council for Refugees. Despite the many applications, the Council for Refugees thinks it needs even more people.

approach 11,000 people

Incidentally, the large number of registrations also creates a new problem: everyone has to be contacted.

That is what the Council for Refugees will do in the near future. A press release warns that it is ‘not possible to approach everyone in the short term’.

Yesterday King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visited the army camp Harskamp. There, 950 Ukrainian refugees are received:

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