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11-Year-Old Italian Child with Exceptional Intelligence Sets New Educational Standard

GALATONE (Lecce) – Giulio is 11 years old, just today, and a cascade of blond curls. But he’s not just any kid. He has above average intelligence, with an IQ of 146, and in four years he could already have graduated, the first case in Italy.

Giulio Ciricugno concluded this year the Primary School cycle, in the Polo 1 comprehensive institute in Galatone. And it is the pride of the executive Adele Polo.

«His gift – says Dr. Polo – represented an opportunity for the school and for his classmates. If on the one hand he sometimes holed up in a world of his own (Giulio has Asperger’s syndrome ed) on the other he was an ante litteram technician of reference for all the needs of the class and the school: he asked from the first days of school attendance, of being able to be useful for solving technical problems encountered in the laboratories and digital devices present at school, has been valued in the context of STEM disciplines, covering the role of tutor in robotics and coding activities”.

A personalized teaching plan was prepared for him, strategies and measures suitable for him were identified, but it was still not sufficient “because we continued to treat an adult mind with the language of children”. Hence, an online project was set up with the Istituto Superiore Enrico Medi to give Giulio the possibility “to start parallel experiences – explains the manager – on the one hand, not to detach him from his class group to share experiences of socializing and learning of his age, on the other giving the pupil the opportunity to attend computer labs with older kids, at certain times of the day, to carry out activities consistent with his extraordinary potential».

A path that Giulio is proud of. “I wanted this article to be published – he says – so that the experience I had in the two schools thanks to the internet is taken as an example for other gifted children so that they can have the same opportunities as me”.

«We all came out enriched – concludes Professor Polo – professionally and humanly».

Of course, at the beginning of the school year it wasn’t easy, but the Medi students welcomed Giulio with affection and sympathy, «even if they were dazed to see a child sitting at the same desk as them».

His dream? Giulio’s passion is information technology, and therefore he dreams of being able to become an engineer in this branch, or a programmer. Surely even now it’s the pride of mom and dad, who after realizing their children’s potential, since he was four years old, have followed and supported him in his journey.

Even the mayor of Galatone, Flavio Filoni he speaks of Giulio calling him «pride and genius from Galatona», relaunching his story on Facebook in turn.

2023-06-30 22:12:55

#Giulio #brilliant #student #Galatone #age #high #school

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