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11 Dominicans Stuck in Israel Finally Returning to New York City

Los 11 Dominicans who have been stranded in Israel since last week, They will return to New York City this Saturday as reported to Free Diary the office of Congressman Adriano Espaillat.

The group, which arrived in the country to visit the historical places of the Bible and from there go to Türkiyemobilized yesterday Thursday to airport of Israelafter the tour guide they had hired told them that it was not safe for them to stay in the hotel.

They assured that since they arrived in the east, They tried to contact the US embassy. and the Dominican consulate, to help them leave the country without receiving any response from them. Days later they were able to communicate with the congressman, who was arranging visas and air tickets with the help of the Dominican presidency.

Nancy Cotén, one of the Dominicans who are in Israelspoke with Diario Libre, and reported that within the group of 11 there were four who only had US residency, which initially complicated the help, because even though they got flights to leave the country, the dominicans with residency they needed visas to enter, so they preferred to stay until they could get equal help for everyone.

Until this Thursday night, visas were being processed for Greece and plane tickets to Dubai to be able to get them all out and from there look for other ways to get to the United States, until this Friday morning, they were able to get tickets to return directly to New York City.

The group woke up in the airport and this morning they were transferred to a hotelwhere they could clean up and rest and where they will spend the night.

2023-10-13 17:44:00
#Dominicans #Israel #return #York

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