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11 Benefits of Eating Dates Every Day

Dates provide a variety of health benefits.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Dates are not only delicious, but also very versatile. Besides being able to be eaten directly as a snack, dates can also be processed into a variety of food and beverage offerings.

Not only that, behind their small size, dates can provide various health benefits. The following are 11 health benefits that can be obtained from consuming dates every day, as reported Health Digest, Friday (10/6/2022).

Smoothing Constipation

Dates contain high fiber, which is about 3 grams of fiber per two dates. Adequate fiber intake can make stools softer and easier to pass. The natural sorbitol content in dates can also facilitate bowel movements.

Provides Antioxidants

Study in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition revealed that dates have the highest concentration of polyphenols compared to other dried fruits. Polyphenols are compounds that can deliver antioxidants throughout the body. The content of polyphenols can decrease when dates go through the processing process. Therefore, try to consume fresh or minimally processed dates.

Increase Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients needed by the body to function optimally. Dates are one of the fruits that are known to be rich in vitamins and minerals. Some of the vitamins and minerals in dates are vitamin B6, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and copper. Copper is known to play an important role in maintaining nerve and red blood cell function, while manganese can help the body absorb calcium, form connective tissue, and manage hormone function.

Strengthen Bones

Dates are known to be rich in various minerals, ranging from calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Nutritionist Nicola Shubrook says these minerals play an important role in promoting bone health. Vitamin K contained in dates also plays an important role in regulating bone metabolism and supporting calcium absorption.

Supports Brain Health

Study in Neural Regeneration Research revealed that dates can be useful in preventing and supporting the treatment of several neurodegenerative diseases. More specifically, consumption of dates can help fight brain inflammation and oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s sufferers.

Maintaining Hair Health

The iron content in dates can help improve blood circulation in the scalp. Consultant dermatologist Chiranjiv Chhabra says this condition helps promote hair growth at a healthy rate while reducing hair loss. Consumption of dates can also help strengthen hair follicles and roots. Chhabra says these various benefits can be obtained just by consuming a few dates per day.

Lowering the Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Study in British Journal of Nutrition revealed that regular consumption of dates was associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer without any significant changes in the gut microbiome. The research team believes that the interaction between fiber and polyphenols in dates and the gut microbiota plays a role in reducing this risk. In addition, the antioxidant content of dates can also help fight free radicals.

Control Blood Sugar

Dates have a fairly low glycemic index (GI). That is, the consumption of dates is unlikely to trigger a spike in blood sugar levels. Study in Nutrition Journal also found that consumption of dates did not trigger a significant increase in blood sugar levels. However, please note that the dates consumed in this study were not much.

Consumption of dates in large quantities at once still has the potential to increase blood sugar levels. Considering that dates also have quite high calories, which is around 277 calories per 100 grams or four dates, consumption of dates should be done in moderation.

Facilitate Labor

A study published in Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research found that pregnant women who consumed about 75 grams of dates daily had shorter labor times and generally required less pain relief during labour. In addition, studies in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that the consumption of six dates per day since four weeks before the HPL can facilitate labor.

Improve Mood

There are several key components in dates that can help increase mood or mood. One of them is tryptophan which can help the brain produce the hormones melatonin and serotonin. These two hormones can make you feel happier and more peaceful, and help regulate your sleep cycle.

In addition, dates also contain vitamin B6. According to studies in Nutrients, Vitamin B6 deficiency problems may contribute to an increased incidence of depression. In addition, vitamin B6 deficiency can increase the tendency to be irritable, reduce alertness, and increase the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Study in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that consuming 100 grams of Medjool or Halawi dates per day could help lower serum triglyceride levels. As is known, high triglyceride levels are one of the factors that can increase the risk of heart disease. Studies have also found that consuming Halawi dates can reduce levels of oxidative stress, thereby helping to maintain heart health.

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