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1022 new corona infections reported: incidence at 121 – Baden-Württemberg

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The State Health Office reported 1022 new corona infections on Easter Sunday. This increased the total number of infections in the southwest to 372,444 since the beginning of the pandemic (as of 4:00 p.m.). The number of deaths rose by 4 to 8,747. The number of people recovered is estimated at 333,239 – that is 1,631 more than the previous day.

The seven-day incidence – the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week – was 121.0 on Sunday. The day before, the value according to the State Health Office was 121.7. However, caution is advised when interpreting this decline: The Robert Koch Institute points out that fewer tests are usually carried out and reported on the Easter holidays.

All urban and rural districts in Baden-Württemberg have an incidence – mostly well – above the value of 50. The highest values ​​are recorded in the district of Schwäbisch Hall (316.1), the Hohenlohe district (220.1) and the urban district of Heilbronn (200 , 6) and the district of Rastatt (190.1), the lowest with 60.6 continues to be the urban district of Freiburg im Breisgau.

Since the end of December, the Stuttgart authority has received 37 591 cases with indications of “worrying virus variants”. With 33 833 cases, this mainly affects type B.1.1.7, which was first discovered in Great Britain. Most recently, 424 Covid-19 patients were treated in intensive care in Baden-Württemberg – 223 of them are invasively ventilated.

According to the information, around 86 percent of 2425 operable intensive care beds are currently occupied. These are not only used for corona patients, but the proportion of free beds serves as an important indicator for the burden on the health system and the free reserves.

According to the health department, 1,356,304 people in Baden-Württemberg have now been vaccinated against the virus for the first time, and 568,132 have received a second vaccination.

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