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10,147 Candidates Begin Written Exams for the 2023 Baccalaureate Session in Dosso region

Title: Written Exams for 2023 Baccalaureate Session Commence in Dosso Region

Subtitle: Over 10,000 Candidates Begin Their Journey Towards Higher Education

Date: June 19, 2023

The written exams for the 2023 baccalaureate session have officially begun in the Dosso region of Niger. A total of 10,147 candidates, including 3,908 girls, are taking part in these exams, marking the first step towards obtaining their university degrees.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Dosso region, Mr. Azizou Halilou, inaugurated the exams at the Franco-Arab CES, accompanied by two juries. The ceremony was attended by administrative authorities, members of the High Authority for the Fight against Corruption and Similar Offenses (HALCIA), education officials, and representatives from the defense and security forces.

In his address, Mr. Azizou Halilou emphasized that the government has taken all necessary measures to ensure that these exams are conducted under normal conditions. He also took the opportunity to provide valuable advice to the candidates, encouraging them to give their best.

Before the commencement of the exams, Commissioner Ibrahim Alio Sanda, a member of HALCIA, explained the organization’s presence at the examinations. HALCIA, in line with its mission to prevent and fight against corruption, has been actively involved in overseeing the various BEPC and BAC exams across all regions of Niger. Commissioner Ibrahim Alio Sanda expressed his satisfaction with the well-organized process.

During his interaction with the candidates, Mr. Ibrahim Alio Sabda from HALCIA emphasized the importance of proper conduct during the exams. He commended the good organization of the 2023 BAC session and wished the candidates good luck. He also urged them to maintain good behavior, ensuring that the examinations reflect the specific values and standards of Niger.

The written exams for the baccalaureate session are a crucial milestone for these candidates, as they pave the way for their future academic pursuits. The Dosso region is committed to providing a conducive environment for the exams, enabling the candidates to showcase their knowledge and skills.

As the exams progress, the Dosso region remains dedicated to ensuring fairness, integrity, and transparency throughout the evaluation process. The results of these exams will determine the candidates’ eligibility for higher education institutions, shaping their academic and professional paths.

The Dosso region wishes all the candidates the best of luck in their exams and encourages them to approach the process with confidence and determination.

international baccalaureate

Cials, and parents of the candidates.

The baccalaureate exams are a critical milestone for students in Niger, as they determine their eligibility for higher education institutions. These exams assess candidates’ knowledge and skills in various subjects, including mathematics, sciences, languages, and social sciences.

The Dosso region, located in southwestern Niger, is known for its commitment to education and academic excellence. The region has provided a conducive environment for students to prepare for and excel in their exams.

During the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Azizou Halilou emphasized the importance of the baccalaureate exams in shaping the future of the candidates. He encouraged them to give their best efforts and reminded them that success in these exams opens doors to various higher education opportunities.

The commencement of the written exams in the Dosso region reflects the commitment to education and the dedication of both the candidates and the authorities involved. It is a significant moment for the candidates as they embark on their journey towards higher education and a bright future.

As the exams progress, the candidates will face rigorous assessments, requiring them to demonstrate their knowledge, analytical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The results of these exams will determine their eligibility for university admission, scholarships, and future career opportunities.

Overall, the commencement of the written exams for the 2023 baccalaureate session in the Dosso region signifies an important step in the academic journey of these candidates. It represents their aspirations, hard work, and determination to pursue higher education and succeed in their chosen fields.

1 thought on “10,147 Candidates Begin Written Exams for the 2023 Baccalaureate Session in Dosso region”

  1. It’s thrilling to witness the determination and ambition of over 10,000 candidates embarking on their written exams for the 2023 Baccalaureate Session in the Dosso region. Best of luck to each of them as they showcase their knowledge and skills, paving their way towards a bright future.


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