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1,000 travelers wanted for research into mosquito and tick-borne infections

Summer vacation has started for many people. However, the summer months bring with them mosquitoes and ticks. In addition to nasty tickles, red spots and bumps, these insects can also transmit diseases to humans and animals. UMC Utrecht and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) are today starting a study (One Health Travel Study) into the prevention of mosquito and tick-borne infections and are looking for 1,000 travelers who want to contribute to this.

Interested travelers can find more information and apply online through the study website: www.OHtravel.nl.

One Health Travel Studie

Mosquitoes and ticks occur naturally in the Netherlands. The One Health Travel study of the LUMC and the UMC Utrecht investigates, among other things, West Nile, Usutu, Sindbis, Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika virus infections and tick cephalitis. These infections are transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito or tick and are also known as ‘arbovirus infections’.

The Netherlands is vulnerable to outbreaks of these viral diseases because of the water-dominated landscape, the population density, our large livestock and the expected appearance of new mosquito species. These factors may cause arbovirus infections to spread here in the future.

It is important that we learn more about the risks for the Netherlands when it comes to these infections due to mosquito and tick bites”, says Patricia Bruijning, project leader and pediatric epidemiologist at UMC Utrecht. It is not yet known how great the risk is that travelers within Europe and the Caribbean Netherlands will contract an arbovirus infection, because the symptoms are often mild and resemble flu-like complaints, for which people do not go to the doctor. The undetected infections among returning travelers may (in the future) pose a threat to public health. Fortunately, it is not that far yet, but it is important that this threat is properly mapped out so that measures can be taken if necessary.

Traveling in Europe? Download the app and join.

The One Health Travel study requires 1000 travelers who go on holiday in Europe (including the Netherlands) or the Caribbean Netherlands. During the trip, participants will be asked to keep track of data about their health, activities during the trip and mosquito nuisance they experience via an app. When they return home, they take some blood themselves by means of a finger prick, which is tested for the prevention of mosquito-borne infections. “With this app, we keep our finger on the pulse, as it were, about new infections and mosquito nuisance while travelling” – says Prof. Dr. Leo Visser professor at the LUMC.

This research is part of a large Dutch project called One Health PACT into the emergence of mosquito-borne infections in the Netherlands and factors that influence this.

More information about the study can be found at www.OHtravel.nl in https://www.umcutrecht.nl/nieuws. Information about the One Health Pact can be found at: https://www.onehealthpact.org/

Joint press release of the LUMC and the UMC Utrecht.

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