Home » today » Technology » 1000 Robota – Ende × NEØLYD – Pop culture magazine

1000 Robota – Ende × NEØLYD – Pop culture magazine

The year is 2008. Hamburg is on fire, ignited by a young formation called 1000 Robot – consisting of the three snotty spoons Anton Spielmann, Jonas Hinnerkort and Sebastian Muxfeldt. You were loved. You were hated. After intensive touring through live clubs and feature pages of various gazettes, the polarizing magic was quickly over. Burned out. After all, they left us an EP (2008) and two long-playing records (2008 and 2010). A (quantitatively) small, but (qualitatively) very large discography.

It seems like there should actually be a sequel. After a ten-year break in broadcasting, Spielmann, Hinnerkort and Muxfeldt will be in touch this Friday new songs back. The piece worth listening to is called “Ende” and is – as they say – its beginning.

When Wallpaper Records wrote to us back then, there was still Myspace. Instagram, all that stuff, far away. People bought and still believed in phonograms. Streaming? Spotify? Playlists? Unclear. Illegal. Somehow it was clear to us that the market was crap. That didn’t feel good. We looked for other ways with and beyond music. It happened in 2020. No, we don’t mean Corona. Gunther Buskies from Wallpaper Records called again. Expressed his interest. We talked to each other on the phone. Then the rehearsal room followed.

It is said that an album will follow. We are delighted and meanwhile we dry our tears.

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