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100 people in the rain and cut traffic


05/13/2020 00:56Updated: 05/13/2020 01:25

The Golden Mile in Madrid now welcomes casseroles against the Government of Pedro Sánchez. It is reflected at number 59 Calle Núñez de Balboa, in the Salamanca neighborhood, where this Tuesday, at nine o’clock at night, dozens of people shouted for the resignation of the president. The most cautious threw proclamations from the balconies, but many others did the same on the street, concentrating between a supermarket and a bakery specializing in “sourdough.” The Municipal Police cut off traffic for 15 minutes to allow the protest and, meanwhile, the rest of Núñez de Balboa remained silent.

The caceroladas in the golden mile of Madrid: 100 people in the rain and cut traffic

The casseroles in Núñez de Balboa have been gathering strength since Sunday, when the police dissolved a crowd in which, according to what they had been warned, the distances were not respected. The neighbors assure that, at first, the intervention had nothing to do with protesting against Sánchez, but when the agents arrived, some responded with a saucepan and shouts of resignation. The videos were broadcast on social media and within minutes began to present themselves as an example of censorship to critics. With that thesis as a backdrop, the calls are repeated every day now.

news-img-figure">A man attends the Núñez de Balboa rally this Tuesday. (Carmen Castellón)
news-img-caption-def">A man attends the Núñez de Balboa rally this Tuesday. (Carmen Castellón)

This Tuesday, the arrival of people began to be noticed from eight in the afternoon. “I come to take a walk to see how the thing is, but today with the rain it seems bad,” explained a man who prefers not to be identified at that time. He was one of the first to reach number 59 with a Tesla, two Spanish flags on the dashboard and a red and yellow umbrella.

“I come to walk to see how the thing is, but today with the rain it seems that bad”

After verifying that in the street there were more journalists than protesters, commented on the plan with a couple of neighbors and, seeing that there was nothing assured, he left the place. The scene was repeated with other people who came with flags and found themselves without any support.

news-img-figure">A young woman with a mask with the inscription 'Sánchez, go now', during the concentration. (C. Castellón)A young woman with a mask with the inscription 'Sánchez, go now', during the concentration. (C. Castellón)
news-img-caption-def">A young woman with a mask with the inscription ‘Sánchez, go now’, during the concentration. (C. Castellón)

When it seemed that the protest was going to end in failure, the situation changed with a man shouting “Government resignation”. Neighbors who until then just walked around responded in unison, and shortly before nine o’clock, a group of people did not reach the hundred concentrated between number 59 and 61.

The protesters ranged from elderly couples to girls as young as ten years old, who were told by their mother to shout “freedom,” a crowd they joined. groups of thirty-something who knew each other and they seemed to come from other neighborhoods. From the balconies, several neighbors banged on their pans, but others kept the blinds down.

Dozens came with Spanish flags, some with the black crepe and others with emblems of the Armed Forces

Dozens also came with Spanish flags, some with the black crepe and others with emblems of the Armed Forces. The importance of the symbolism was reflected in the masks, in which the green of the Civil Guard was mixed with the red and yellow. Among the protesters, a couple of young people who showed the burgundy cross on their masks drew attention, and one who also came with a backpack in which it could be read the slogan ‘Defend Europe’ next to the silhouette of a firearm. Most, however, appeared with the usual symbols and the most aggressive chants were barely seconded.

news-img-figure">A young woman protests at the concentration this Tuesday. (Carmen Castellón)A young woman protests at the concentration this Tuesday. (Carmen Castellón)
news-img-caption-def">A young woman protests at the concentration this Tuesday. (Carmen Castellón)

“I live next door and on Sunday I met all the police and the scandal that was mounted. At first it was only because there was loud music and the officers came, so now I think I will come every day,” he explained. to this newspaper Alberto, a young man of 28 years who did not hesitate to join the concentration this Tuesday with an Athletic Club de Bilbao sweatshirt.

Stephen Dove

Throughout Monday, he will contact the government delegations to request permission. They affirm that if they deny it, “it will be clear that this is a covert state of emergency”

“We have no test, no protocol or anything. The word quarantine already says so: it is 40 days, but we have been 60,” he criticized in turn. Martha, 44 years old and with a mask similar to the one he wears Macarena Olona, MP from Vox.

news-img-figure">A police vehicle in front of the protesters. (Carmen Castellón)A police vehicle in front of the protesters. (Carmen Castellón)
news-img-caption-def">A police vehicle in front of the protesters. (Carmen Castellón)

At 21:08, at the peak of the call, two Municipal Police cars appeared at the scene. At first it seemed that they were going to intervene, but the four policemen limited themselves to cutting off any car that wanted to enter Núñez de Balboa from Don Ramón de la Cruz. 15 minutes later, at 9:23 p.m., two of them approached the crowd to leave the asphalt, and dozens responded with applause and the agents. “Tomorrow everyone here at nine“one of the protesters was shouting in the meantime as a farewell.

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