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100 Days of City Guards: Positive Results and Increased Sense of Security in Offenbach

Offenbach (ots)

100 days of city guards: Those responsible draw a positive balance – Offenbach

(dj) 100 days ago, the joint city watch of the Offenbach city police and the Hessian police was put into operation on the market square. The city of Offenbach and the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse are now drawing a first positive balance. The head of the Offenbach police department, Senior Police Director Kaaden, emphasizes: “One of the stated goals of the cooperation was to visibly increase the presence of our law enforcement and security forces and to further promote the networking of our authorities as an additional component of the common security architecture for Offenbach.”

“Since we started our work together with the Hessian police in April, the emergency services deployed on site have encountered more and more people who perceive a significantly increased police presence and very much welcome this towards us,” adds Frank Weber, head of the public order office in Offenbach.

In addition to the installation of the city guard as a contact point for the citizens, attention was paid to increased pedestrian and bicycle lanes, among other things. Due to the high presence of the patrols, a large number of administrative offenses could be punished and some criminal offenses reported.

Offenbach’s Lord Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke emphasizes: “I am a very big supporter of foot patrols. In my time as head of the regulatory department, the foot patrols of the city police were very important to me. It was therefore obvious to me to support the joint city guard in many discussions with the state of Hesse promote the introduction of joint foot patrol by the city police and the Hessian police. The first interim report shows that this model is successful: The presence of police forces has increased in the city center and people also perceive this positively. I am the Hessian police and the grateful to the outgoing police chief Eberhard Möller that we were able to arrange the patrol.” Schwenke had accompanied the joint inner-city patrol on Monday evening for the first interim report on foot. Schwenke had already accompanied the city police several times in the past in order to be able to get his own impression of the work of the officers.

Head of Public Order Paul-Gerhard Weiß also sees the first successes of the joint patrols: “The increased presence in the city center is very important for the citizens’ sense of security days. In addition, around 1,900 people and 967 vehicles were checked during the rounds. 510 administrative offenses and 60 criminal offenses were punished in this way.”

“The police headquarters in Southeast Hesse is very satisfied with the development and the effects of the joint project so far, and we are pleased that the citizens are responding positively to the increased presence,” sums up Police Vice President Anja Wetz.

All those involved agree that the right path has been taken and that the work is an important building block to further increase the sense of security of the citizens of Offenbach. “We will continue to show a uniformed presence on the streets in close cooperation,” confirmed Andreas Sattler, head of the Offenbach police station, and Lothar Haack, head of the department for the city police.

The new police station in Spessartring, which is used extensively by Offenbach’s citizens, has meanwhile established itself as the primary contact point for people’s special concerns. In addition, the Hessian police offer a wide range of citizen consultation hours in the joint city police station on the market square – so far this has only been accepted there sporadically.

Concrete office hours of the various citizens’ consultation hours offered in the city guard, for example for advice on recruitment or with the migration officer of the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse and the local policeman, can be viewed on the websites of the Hessian police and the city of Offenbach.

Additional Information:


Offenbach, July 18, 2023, press office, David Jesse

Show contact details

Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse
– press office –
Spessartring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main

Telephone: 069 / 8098 – 1210 (collective number)

Thomas Leipold (lei) – 1201 or 0160 / 980 00745
David Jesse (dj) – 1214 or 0162 / 889 9373
Felix Geis (fg) – 1211 or 0162 / 201 3806
Jennifer Mlotek (jm) – 1212 or 0152 / 090 22567
Alexander Schlueter (as) – 1223 or 0162 / 201 3290

Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Police Headquarters South East Hessen – Offenbach, transmitted by news aktuell

#POLOF #Joint #press #release #city #Offenbach #police #headquarters #Southeast #Hesse #Tuesday #July

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