Home » today » Entertainment » “10 years less in 10 days”. The participant is BROKEN by the metamorphosis that Maja Sablewska gave her: “MASAKRA” (PHOTO)

“10 years less in 10 days”. The participant is BROKEN by the metamorphosis that Maja Sablewska gave her: “MASAKRA” (PHOTO)

Recently Maja Sablewska is back on television. The celebrity once again has the opportunity to prove herself as an expert in metamorphosis. In his program “10 years less in 10 days” every week we know the stories of women who dream change your appearance

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See also: Konflikt Smaszcz and Janachowska and Anna Wendzikowska invite you to cocoa

The participant in the sixth episode of the new Polsat Cafe format was Mrs. Jolanta. It seems however, that woman would not be best remembered for attending the show. Although there is usually the moment when the characters of the show see themselves in the mirror for the first time a beautiful moment full of tearsthis time it was different. The participant did not hide disappointment when she looked in the mirror.

Massacre! I don’t like myself. I really don’t like myself! she said dissatisfied, holding back her tears with difficulty and continuing:

Look what bags I have. Come on, see, see?! Makeup won’t cover it. Mouth … No, I don’t like it, Maja he asked the chief. I normally feel like I’m a million years old. Terrible!

Although Jolanta tried to find the positive aspects of the transformation, negative emotions prevailed every time:

The hair color is really great, the makeup, but it’s not for me. Wrinkles and bags will not be covered with makeup. It can also be seen from a distance. And this dress. The color is beautiful, but the cut is completely wrong for me – assessed bitterly in the program finale.

Sablewska he made no secret of his surprise at the heroin’s reaction. He also tried to convince her that she is really fine after her metamorphosis. Unfortunately, to no avail.

In my opinion Jola was beautiful, but it was not her moment … – said Maja resigned at the end of the episode.

The production of the show also managed to address the issue:

I have a feeling that we have done everything possible. (…) And although I think Jolanta looks much better than when we met, she is of a different opinion. I respect that, I understand, but apparently our heroine had much higher expectations. I’m sorry because I know how much work it took – said the producer of the program in an interview with “Pomponik”.

The network was also full of comments from viewers. It is impossible not to notice that the vast majority shares Jolanta’s dissatisfied opinion.

I completely agree with Ms. Jola. The dress has definitely thickened it, the make-up has sharpened the wrinkles, even the hairstyle hasn’t cut it down. I understand Mrs. Jola perfectly;

Someone aged it 10 years and exacerbated all its defects. A nightmare! Fortunately, you can take off this outfit, change your makeup, style your hair differently and it will look great!;

The woman is right. Dress, make-up, shoes to emphasize all imperfections …;

Please don’t blame the attendee. The style is completely incompatible with this woman’s figure and beauty. Too bad that Mrs. Jolanta’s opinion is not taken into account – Internet users write.

And how do you judge Mrs. Jola’s transformation? Did it really turn out that bad?

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He’s better, you probably expected a metamorphosis like from a plastic surgeon

Indeed, the dress is very ugly. Where did this Maja have her eyes? The frieze is also beautiful, but the style is noooooo

Perhaps the logo should remain in these colors

It looks very nice “after”

Again, no ugly person is poor and rich.

Latest comments (373)

Mrs Jola is right, let Mrs Maja dress up and her face is speechless ..

Did you have a treatment with med estet? I don’t think that’s the reason for her disappointment. They should improve the bold and the lines of the puppet and slightly widen the lips, some improvement would be NOTHING, hence the reaction. The cut of the dress is hopeless!

Well-groomed hair, well-groomed skin, just have fun.

Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why did you go there?

The dress is terrible, but the makeup is fine too. Only you know that nothing can be done with such wrinkles. Well, probably botox. Either he doesn’t care about himself or he has genes like that. At this age, you can still look good and look good.

no logo should be changed, the war has begun …..

Really, this style takes revenge from heaven. Majka, don’t be blind. You just screwed up. It’s worth admitting your mistake sometimes …

Sorry, but with such a person there is not much you can do … make it look like you want to kill everyone. Metamorphosis on the plus but you know Angelina won’t be lol. In addition, everyone signs a contract before the program, giving free rein to the specialists. I don’t know what expectations this lady had … she was very weak, now she is weak.

If only Mrs. Jola smiled a little

Haha, where’s the “after” like 54? It still looks like ten, except he is well looked after. And Majka should have been expelled a long time ago, this woman does not know how to dress, only an emaciated figure saves her.

she didn’t take care of herself before and after 10 days she wanted to go out as a beautiful model. did she really want? wanted? but what, lady? 1.Nutritional change

After the morph, she looks 10 years older.

the hair color is ok, but the hairstyle seems to kick her current, the dress with the color emphasizes with the big disadvantage that the lady is not a walking hanger. it was decorated with a larger ball, also not combed. Makeup will not cover the topic, it should be more enlightened, not matz Metamorphosis for the 20pro patch, not a mature woman

My mother has as many wrinkles as this lady, when I have a skijax, she will do her hair, she looks 10 years younger

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