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10 Unique Facts About the Planet Saturn You Rarely Knew

Tuesday, 13 June 2023 | 10:44 WIB

Jason Setiawan Putralim / KL

Unique facts about the planet Saturn that are rarely known.

Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – Saturn is a planet known for its beautiful and striking rings. Besides having thousands of rings, there are many other unique facts about Saturn.

Saturn has long been the object of human admiration. With its large size and the uniqueness of the planet that has its ring formation, Saturn holds many interesting mysteries. Without lingering, here are 10 unique facts about the planet Saturn that are rarely known.

1. One Year on Saturn Equal to 30 years on Earth
As is well known, the period of one year on each planet is measured on the basis of one complete orbit around its star. For Saturn, one revolution around the sun takes 29.4 Earth years. That means if you live to be 70 years old on Saturn, then you will be around 2,058 years old on Earth.

There are several theories explaining why Saturn takes so long to complete one orbit around the sun. First, some have pointed out that Saturn is 10 times farther from its host star than Earth, and it moves through space at a much slower speed. They believe that this is the reason why Saturn moves more slowly and has to travel great distances to complete one orbit.

It is also suggested that Saturn’s rings create a strong magnetic field that exerts a bipolar-type force on the planet. The astronomical distance that Saturn has to travel to orbit the sun is 1.4 billion miles. It was a very long journey.

2. Saturn Is Huge
Saturn is so large that it takes more than 700 planet Earths to fill it. Even so, Saturn is still inferior in size to Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System.

3. Titan is Bigger in Size than Mercury
Titan, Saturn’s largest moon and the second largest in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury. Titan is only slightly smaller than Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon, by only 2%. Titan’s atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, similar to Earth’s, and planetary scientists suspect that there are rivers, lakes, clouds, rain, and oceans made of liquid hydrocarbons such as ethane and methane on the planet.

However, when the Cassini-Huygens probe touched down on the surface of this massive moon, the photos it took showed a rocky, infertile surface, with no lakes or rivers in sight. Scientists have evidence and hypothesize that there is a very deep and wide ocean of methane. They also suggest the possibility of an ocean of water beneath Titan’s crust, which could harbor life.

# Planet Saturnus# Unique fact# Unique Saturn Facts# 10 Years Beritasatu# One Decade Beritasatu



2023-06-13 03:44:59
#Unique #Facts #Planet #Saturn #Rarely

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