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10 Types of Animals That Turn Out Same-Sex Mating, Here’s the List: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – A natural phenomenon that often occurs in the animal world. A study shows about 1,500 species of animals are known to practice same-sex relationships, ranging from insects, fish, birds and mammals.

Same-sex mating behavior is found among birds and social mammals, especially marine mammals and primates. Here are 10 animals that mate with the same sex as quoted: Sindonews.com from the DW Site:

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1. Lion

Same-sex mating is also common among lions. Two to four males often form what is known as a coalition, where they work together to mate with a lioness. To ensure fidelity, male lions strengthen their bonds by having sex with each other. Many researchers refer to this behavior as classic “bromance” rather than homosexual couples.

2. Dolphin

Bottle Noses Both female and male bottle nose dolphins exhibit same-sex mating behavior. Includes oral actions in which one dolphin stimulates the other with its snout.

In the world of bottlenose dolphins, same-sex mating occurs with almost the same frequency as heterosexual play. Male bottlenose dolphins are generally bisexual but they experience a period of being exclusively homosexual.


This long-necked animal is known to mate more with the same sex than the opposite sex. In fact, research says same-sex mating accounts for more than 90 percent of all sexual activity observed in giraffes.

4. Bison

Same-sex mating activity between male bison is more common than heterosexual copulation. That’s because female bulls only mate with male bulls about once a year. During the breeding season, males are encouraged to engage in same-sex activities several times a day. Thus, more than 50 percent of young male bison engage in same-sex mating activities waiting for the female bison to be ready to mate with them.

5. Kera

Female macaques and male macaques are also involved in same-sex mating activities. But male macaques usually only do so for one night, while females form strong bonds with each other and are usually monogamous.

In some ape populations, same-sex mating among females is not only common, it is becoming the norm. When not mating, these females stay close together to sleep and care for, and protect each other from enemies or predators.

6. Bonobo

Bonobos are considered to be humans’ closest relatives and are known to seek sexual pleasure. They often copulate, including with the same sex. They do it for fun but also to bond with one another, climb the social ladder and reduce hostility. About two-thirds of homosexual activity occurs between females, but males are often seen making out with other males enjoying rolling on each other’s grass.

7. Sea Eagle

The Layson sea eagle that nests in Hawaii is known as a bird that practices same -sex mating. About 30 percent of couples on the island of Oahu consist of two females. They are monogamous and usually stay together for life to raise children together. But often these sea eagle cubs are raised by males who have already had intercourse with other females.

8. Goose

Like many birds, geese are monogamous and stay with one partner for many years. Many of them choose same-sex partners. In fact, about 20 percent of geese pairs are same-sex and they often start families together.

Sometimes, one goose in a male pair will mate with the female, and then chase her away once she lays her eggs. In other cases, they adopt abandoned eggs.

9. Sheep

Studies show that up to 8 percent of rams in a flock prefer other males, even when fertile females are around. However, this only occurs among domestic sheep. The study has found that same-sex mating sheep have a different brain structure than normal sheep and they release less sex hormones.

10. Walrus

Male walruses only reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 years. Until then, they were almost completely gay. Once they reach maturity, most males are bisexual and mate with females during the breeding season.

But at the same time, male walruses also mate with other males throughout the year. This is not just same -sex mating because male walruses also often make love by cuddling and sleeping close to each other in the water.

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