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10 tips for cleaning the house for dust allergy sufferers to avoid asthma attacks

Dust allergy It is an allergic reaction to the tiny insects that live in the dust in your home, and those who suffer from this group of allergies find breathing difficulties After a cleaning or flicking session, etc. inside the home or office and suffer from: sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, redness, itching or tears in the eyes, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, itching, according to the site’s report time now news.

What causes dust allergy?

Exposure to dust mites which are microorganisms found in dust, carpets, pets, furniture, etc., molds of fungi, pollen, pet hair, fur or feathers, etc.can cause dust allergy, and for people who suffer from dust allergy, household cleaning activities Such as vacuuming, vacuuming, and flicking can excite dust particles, making them easier to inhale and lead to an allergic reaction..

How to avoid dust allergy:

– When performing cleaning, make sure that the allergic person is not present.

All household members must use a mask while cleaning.

Use effective air filters that remove dust, pollen, etc.

Remove carpets and curtains that cover the wall (especially those in the bedroom).

Keep pets away from the bedroom, preferably outside the house.

Use “mite proof” boxes on your mattresses and pillows.

Wash your bed linen frequently in hot water.

Change clothes after returning from abroad.

Wear a mask when cleaning or going outside if you have a dust allergy.

Visit your doctor for a prevention and treatment schedule tailored for you.

How does pollen affect people with allergies and asthma:

Pollen is a very fine powder produced by trees, flowers, and herbs to fertilize other plants of the same species, while most of us are able to enjoy the smell of pollen in the air, causing some reactions like sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, etc., because many people have it. Adverse immune response when they breathe in pollen.

Some people experience an allergy to pollen throughout the year, while others only experience it at certain times of the year. Pollen allergy is also referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis..

Tips to avoid for those with pollen allergy:

Stay indoors on dry, windy days. The rain helps remove pollen from the air. You may find it easier on days like this.

Delegate household chores (triggering allergens) to others.

Take a shower to rinse pollen from your skin and hair after returning from a trip abroad.

Do not hang laundry outside.

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