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10 tips for asthma control

Asthma is seen on average in one of every 10 adults and children in our country. Moreover, it has been increasing in both children and adults in recent years. Stating that the disease, which causes loss of lung function over the years in undiagnosed and unfollowed patients, also reduces the quality of life, Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. Seha Akduman made the following statements within the scope of May 2 World Asthma Day:

Here are the reasons

Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways characterized by hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity in the airways (bronchi) causes inflammation (inflammation), that is, increased inflammation in the body, resulting in narrowing of the airways, increased sputum production and persistent cough. Asthma patients who smoke and remain untreated show features of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). allergens; They are substances that are harmless to our body, but can cause a reaction of the immune system in sensitive people.

80% of asthma in children and 50% in adults is caused by allergies. The most common allergens are pollen, dust mites, mold spores, cockroaches, animal dander and foods such as eggs, peanuts, fish, wheat, soy. There are many risk factors such as genetic predisposition, obesity, allergic structure, exposure to occupational harmful particles. However, air pollution and smoking, stress or emotional changes, exercise and cold weather are among the factors that cause asthma attacks, especially in uncontrolled asthmatics.

What symptoms does it cause?

In asthma patients, complaints usually come in seizures. The most important symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, feeling of pressure in the chest, and shortness of breath, which starts after exposure to odor, dust, smoke and allergen. These symptoms, which may vary depending on the seasons, are usually seen at night or towards the morning. Coughs appear in the morning in persistent attacks, sometimes with wheezing. The feeling of not being able to breathe is also very common among patients.

Importance of treatment

As asthma is a chronic disease, there is no definitive cure. However, it is possible to achieve full control with appropriate treatment. The basic principle is stepwise treatment. Drugs are divided into therapeutic and short-acting rescue drugs. Therapeutic agents should be decided under the supervision of a physician, and the patient should be told in which situations the rescue drugs should be used. Patient education is of great importance, especially for the early initiation of relapse treatment. It should not be forgotten that patients who are neglected and not under full control for many years will develop permanent damage over the years and their lung capacities will decrease irreversibly.

What should patients pay attention to?

1 – Know the factors that cause attacks and stay away from them.

2 – Asthma is a heterogeneous disease and individual differences are very large. So get to know your disease. Observe when and how your complaints increase and take action accordingly.

3 – Asthma is an extremely dynamic disease. It changes with the season, with the week, with the day. Even travels affect it. Therefore, the use of drugs in such an active disease should also be dynamic. Medication doses should be reviewed and regulated with regular examinations. In summary, it is very important for the patient to be in regular contact with his doctor in the control of asthma. Therefore, do not delay your controls

4 – Use your medication regularly and do not interrupt it unless your doctor recommends it.

5 – The quality of the inhaled air is very important. Stay away from harmful gases, detergents, bleach, dusts, air pollution, tobacco and tobacco products and smoke as an active or passive smoker.

6 – Do not forget that upper respiratory tract infections can lead to life-threatening severe attacks and pneumonia. Make sure you get your pneumonia and flu vaccines, as these infections can be severe.

7 – Obesity is a huge risk factor for asthma. Hormones released in obesity trigger asthma. Therefore, try to maintain weight control.

8 – Presence of reflux in asthma patients can trigger attacks. Therefore, if you have reflux, you should definitely be treated.

9 – If the cough continues despite the complete control of asthma, it should be taken seriously. Because in 70 percent of patients, asthma may be accompanied by allergic rhinic. As uncontrolled allergic rhinitis can trigger asthma, if you have a persistent cough, make sure to have an ear, nose and throat examination.

10 – Controlled drug use is required, especially in drug-induced asthma groups. Use painkillers and flu medications that can trigger attacks under the supervision of a physician.

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